WMS Layer Problem

Brock Anderson banders at REFRACTIONS.NET
Mon Jun 26 09:26:25 PDT 2006

Yes, that URL from the Tomcat log is probably the one that Mapserver 
used to request the photo layer.

Recall the error message I mentioned before said "Invalid Lon-Lat 
coordinates, must specify at least one (lon,lat) pair correctly; 
Longitude must be between -170 and -60 Latitude must be between 15 and 
75 ". The bbox in your URL is outside that range.


M.L. Jackson wrote:

> Thanks for the reply. I tried changing the bounding box and still 
> nothing. I even removed all the layers except the wms layer to make 
> sure it wasn't any conflict with the other layers.
> I noticed this message in red after I stopped the Tomcat server. It 
> has only appeared a few times after stopping the server.
> "
> HTTP: Starting to prepare HTTP requests.
> HTTP request: id=2, 
> http://terraservice.net/OgcMap.ashx?LAYERS=DOQ&REQUEST=GetMap&SERVICE=WMS&FORMAT=image%2Fpng&STYLES=&HEIGHT=600&VERSION=1.1.1&SRS=EPSG:4326&WIDTH=800&BBOX=%2D178%2E217598362366%2C3%2E44738582890752%2C%2D66%2E9692710360024%2C86%2E8836313236801&TRANSPARENT=TRUE&EXCEPTIONS=application/vnd.ogc.se_inimage 
> HTTP: Before download loop
> msHTTPWriteFct(id=2, 396 bytes)
> HTTP: After download loop
> msHTTPExecuteRequests() timing summary per layer (connect_time + 
> time_to_first_packet + download_time = total_time in seconds)
> Layer 2: 0.062 + 0.703 + 0.062 = 0.827s
> msDrawRasterLayerLow(photo): entering.
> "
> Do you think that it is possible that the url for this layer is 
> somehow being requested exactly how it appears in this Tomcat message?
>> From: Brock Anderson <banders at REFRACTIONS.NET>
>> Reply-To: Brock Anderson <banders at REFRACTIONS.NET>
>> Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] WMS Layer Problem
>> Date: Mon, 26 Jun 2006 08:50:19 -0700
>> I made a WMS request in my browser using the request parameters 
>> specified in your photo layer:
>> http://terraservice.net/OgcMap.ashx?request=getmap&service=wms&version=1.1.1&width=500&height=500&layers=DOQ&bbox=-170,60,-150,75&srs=EPSG:4326&format=png 
>> The WMS gave an error: "Invalid Lon-Lat coordinates, must specify at 
>> least one (lon,lat) pair correctly; Longitude must be between -170 
>> and -60 Latitude must be between 15 and 75 "
>> With a different lat-long bounding box it seems to work. I tested 
>> with bbox=-124,46,-110,52. I think the source WMS server doesn't like 
>> your bounding box.
>> That's just a guess. I don't know exactly what WMS URLs mapserver is 
>> using to request the photo layers. If you have a way to intercept 
>> those outgoing URLs that should give you enough clues to fix the 
>> problem.
>> Brock
>> M.L. Jackson wrote:
>>> Hi, I'm new to the Mapserver Listserv. I am having problems 
>>> displaying the wms layer on my map. My problem is that I don't see 
>>> any aerial shots at all. It is as if the map is being drawn without 
>>> the layer.
>>> Here is a snippet out of my map file where the wms layer is defined:
>>> NAME "photo"
>>> MINSCALE 10000
>>> #MAXSCALE 10000
>>> CONNECTION "http://terraservice.net/OgcMap.ashx?"
>>> "wms_srs" "EPSG:4326"
>>> "wms_title" "Orthophoto"
>>> "wms_name" "DOQ"
>>> "wms_server_version" "1.1.1"
>>> "wms_format" "image/png"
>>> "wms_layers" "doq"
>>> "wms_group_title" "background"
>>> "wms_onlineresource" "http://terraservice.net/OgcMap.ashx?"
>>> "wms_latlonboundingbox" "-170 -60 15 75"
>>> #"wms_connectiontimeout" "120"
>>> END
>>> "init=epsg:4326"
>>> END
>>> END
>>> BTW, my map extent is -178.21759836236586 18.924781799316406 
>>> -66.96927103600244 71.40623535327121. Thanks for your reply.
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