Using Mapserver on VPS with cPanel?

Eijnden, B. van den (Bart) b.vdeijnden at AGI.RWS.MINVENW.NL
Mon Jun 12 23:22:06 PDT 2006

PHP/Mapscript can actually run as an Apache DSO (the Wiki page is quite
outdated), there might be some problems though depending on your use case.
Best regards,

-----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
Van: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU]Namens
Volkan Ulukut
Verzonden: dinsdag 13 juni 2006 8:27
Onderwerp: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Using Mapserver on VPS with cPanel?

We have a dedicated server using rhe 4 and cPanel 10.8.2. I've installed
MapServer last week and it had no problems with cPanel at all. The problem
you might encounter is that MapScript needs php execute as cgi. So you need
a seperate php install if you have php installed as an Apache DSO. Check
this link out:


-----Original Message-----
From: tesciltu at [mailto:tesciltu at] On
Behalf Of Michael Slater
Sent: Tuesday, June 13, 2006 8:16 AM
Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Using Mapserver on VPS with cPanel?


I have a site hosted at ServInt on a virtual private server (VPS) running

Red Hat 9, Virtuozzo, and Cpanel. The network ops folks have dissuaded me

from installing Mapserver, saying in part:


"The requirements for this application would most likely cause instability

on a VPS. Additionally, there are no pre-made binaries for RedHat 9.0. You

would probably need a Mapserver expert to install this software for you on

your VPS, and it would most likely break functionality with other things

(like cPanel). It is not something that looks like it would play nicely with

the software that cPanel installs. It looks like it would require a self

contained PHP daemon."


Are they being too cautious, or should I give up on installing this? My goal

is to be able to dynamically render the NOAA ENC charts. Is there a simpler

alternative for doing so?


Anyone out there with cPanel experience who would be interested in a project

to install this?




Michael Slater


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