Shape File modification

muthu veerappan muthu_manaparai at YAHOO.COM
Mon Jun 5 23:58:57 PDT 2006

Hi All, 

I have 2 shape files 

one with the below extent (Bounding Box)

minx="11018" miny="8970" maxx="566147" maxy="350142"

and the other with 

minx="-179" miny="-89" maxx="179" maxy="83"

1st one is a shape .shp file i got after converting
from .dwg and the 2nd one is an example for ka-map

Could any one tell what is the difference ? Are there
any projection / coordinate systems ?

What is an extent ? Is this equal to pixel coordinate
systems ?

My idea is to make both the shape files the same size,
so that each one will be a layer on my display.

Is there any tools that does this shape size (canvas)
modifications ?

Please help.

Muthu Veerappan

PR.Muthu Veerappan (முத்து வீரப்பன்)
Mobile +971 50 4206576 (Dubai)
e-Mail - muthu at

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