ogr connecting to .tab files

Donal Regan donal_regan10 at YAHOO.CO.UK
Thu Jun 8 17:26:30 PDT 2006

Hi Frank,

Thanks for the reply.

What I have is a load of .tab files with corresponding .TIF files. The .tab files have  Type : "RASTER" in the definition table so I presume that means they're not supoorted. Does this mean I can't use them as a Mapserver datasource at all? Or can I convert them somehow into a format supported by Mapserver?



Frank Warmerdam <warmerdam at pobox.com> wrote: Donal Regan wrote:

> If I do ogrinfo or ogr2ogr on my '.tab' files , I get the following error
> Unable to open datasource `../jmc25kRaster/' with the following drivers. etc
> Error


Is it possible that your tab file is really a "raster tab", that is a .tab
file describing a raster file, rather than part of a vector dataset (usually
a .tab, .id, .map and .dat)?  If so, you are out of luck as OGR (nor GDAL)
support .tab labelled rasters.

Best regards
I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at pobox.com
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