gmap demo

Frank Fica simbiotico at HOTMAIL.COM
Wed Mar 1 20:22:45 PST 2006


I recently configured the gmap demo in my mapserver box and is working fine.
When I tried loading my own data and changing the required variables for my data, everything
works fine except for the quick list menu.
When I click to zoom on the quick list, the main map gets redrawn but with the same extents,
thought it shows ViewRegion=-90.210352%2C14.252371%2C-90.760314%2C14.937117 but it
doesn't zoom to that extent.

my conf. in the .phtml file is:

<SELECT NAME="ViewRegion"  onChange="ProvinceSelected()">

                <OPTION>Quick View</OPTION>

                <OPTION>- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -</OPTION>

                <OPTION VALUE="-90.210352,14.252371,-90.760314,14.937117">Guatemala City </

              </SELECT >

and the .php file:

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      province selection.                                             */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if ($HTTP_FORM_VARS["ViewRegion"])
        if (ereg("(-?[0-9]+),(-?[0-9]+),(-?[0-9]+),(-?[0-9]+)",
                 $HTTP_FORM_VARS["ViewRegion"], $ProvExtents))
            $dfMinX = doubleval($ProvExtents[1]);
            $dfMinY = doubleval($ProvExtents[2]);
            $dfMaxX = doubleval($ProvExtents[3]);
            $dfMaxY = doubleval($ProvExtents[4]);

            SetMapExtents($dfMinX, $dfMinY, $dfMaxX, $dfMaxY);



Any ideas?



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