March 2006 Archives by author
Starting: Wed Mar 1 01:16:47 PST 2006
Ending: Fri Mar 31 16:39:46 PST 2006
Messages: 805
- Tileindex of DGN's being opened as shapefile layer
Bart van den Eijnden (OSGIS)
- Using SLD with GetLegendGraphic
Bart van den Eijnden (OSGIS)
- How to avoide HUGE .map files
Bart van den Eijnden (OSGIS)
- DMSolutions CanMap
Bart van den Eijnden (OSGIS)
- error log?
Bart van den Eijnden (OSGIS)
- question about LEGEND tag in Mapfile
Bart van den Eijnden (OSGIS)
- WAN vs LAN access problems
Bart van den Eijnden (OSGIS)
- Mapserver License?
Bart van den Eijnden (OSGIS)
- shptree and tileindex
Bart van den Eijnden (OSGIS)
- Future Transactional capabilities in Mapserver
Bart van den Eijnden (OSGIS)
- Using Microsoft SQL Server?
Bart van den Eijnden (OSGIS)
- Converting Polygon Shapefile
Bart van den Eijnden (OSGIS)
- tileindex: sequence of attributes in individual shapefiles matter s
Bart van den Eijnden (OSGIS)
- tileindex: sequence of attributes in individual shapefiles matter s
Bart van den Eijnden (OSGIS)
- tileindex: sequence of attributes in individual shapefiles matter s
Bart van den Eijnden (OSGIS)
- Install at Shared Hosting Facility, can it be done???
KevinC (UD)
- How to edit your PostGIS data
KevinC (UD)
- Following Bill Kropla's "Beginning Mapserver"
KevinC (UD)
- no joy: Bill Kropla's "Beginning Mapserver"
KevinC (UD)
- no joy: Bill Kropla's "Beginning Mapserver"
KevinC (UD)
- Problems with Itasca Demo
- R: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Problems with Itasca Demo
- where to save .map files on Windows?
Wouter A
- JBOX - distance measuring
Alexandre Abramides
- JBOX - distance measuring
Alexandre Abramides
- [dbox] boxoff don't work
Alexandre Abramides
- Fatal error: [MapServer Error]: msSDELayerGetShape():
Mark Adams
- php error with ogr odbc
Mark Adams
- php error with ogr odbc
Mark Adams
- problem with GEOS contains query
Mark Adams
- MapServer & MapGuide
Till Adams
- PHP/MapScript projection string
Robert Albrecht
- PHP/MapScript projection string
Robert Albrecht
Robert Albrecht
- Draw point in PHP Mapscript
Robert Albrecht
- Street names aren't shown
Tero Alén
- Point Layer Won't Draw
Brock Anderson
- setting STYLE with CGI parameters
Brock Anderson
- setting STYLE with CGI parameters
Brock Anderson
- setting STYLE with CGI parameters
Brock Anderson
- JGrass 2.0 released
Andrea Antonello
- GetLegendGraphic and sld
Yewondwossen Assefa
- Projection issues on WFS-Server
Yewondwossen Assefa
- Projection issues on WFS-Server
Yewondwossen Assefa
- WFS GetFeature using FILTER & BBOX
Yewondwossen Assefa
- problem with GEOS contains query
Yewondwossen Assefa
- Character issue with GetMap and SLD
Yewondwossen Assefa
- WMS time and Oracle Spatial
Yewondwossen Assefa
- symbol size
Jani Averbach
- Mapserver caching and map generation
Emmanuel BELO
- Mapserver caching and map generation
Emmanuel BELO
- Mapserver caching and map generation
Emmanuel BELO
- Mapfile Expression NULL value
Emmanuel BELO
- Mapfile Expression NULL value
Emmanuel BELO
- Edit a custom layer via ASP?
Jelmer Baas
- Improving Performance...
Jelmer Baas
- Improving Performance... {Scanned}
Jelmer Baas
- Improving Performance... {Scanned}
Jelmer Baas
- Improving Performance... {Scanned}
Jelmer Baas
- Improving Performance... {Scanned}
Jelmer Baas
- Architecture for Enterprise Backend
Jelmer Baas
- Improving Performance... {Scanned}
Jelmer Baas
- Improving Performance... {Scanned}
Jelmer Baas
- Improving Performance... {Scanned}
Jelmer Baas
- MapServer 4.8.2
Jelmer Baas
- Setup Mapserver IIS
Jelmer Baas
- Setup mapserver iis
Jelmer Baas
- MapServer 4.8.2
Jelmer Baas
- MapServer 4.8.3
Jelmer Baas
- MapScript 4.8.1, PHP 5.12, and segmentation faults rendering TrueType
David Badke
- PHP MapScript 4.8.1 and PHP 5.1.2
David Badke
- Mapserver on Linux vs Windows
Erik Baluba
- MinGW compile ok, but how does MS integrate with GD?
Erik Baluba
- [OSGeo-Discuss] Introduction - hi; gis based wychwood work;pointers on how to enter "GIS" world?
Norman Barker
- xlink:href gml property in MapServer WFS
Norman Barker
- Serve GeoTIFF with Mapserver
Norman Barker
- Serve GeoTIFF with Mapserver
Norman Barker
- Serve GeoTIFF with Mapserver
Norman Barker
- mapping mars
Frank Barrett
- Using mapsize in variable substitution
Bob Basques
- Question about WFS.
Bob Basques
- Line Style
R Baud
- Raster data experience
Apeksha Bhambhani
- To develop a plug-in for Wikipedia
Apeksha Bhambhani
- 500 internal server error
Apeksha Bhambhani
- Draw point in PHP Mapscript
Apeksha Bhambhani
- Label a point using PHP/Mapscript
Apeksha Bhambhani
- Mapserver on Linux vs Windows
Bill Binko
- copyright text bottomright but mapsize variable
Bird, Derek (xwave)
- MySQL sample Tables and MAP Layer code
Bird, Derek (xwave)
- Labelling highways
Bird, Derek (xwave)
- Generate a map based on a context file
Bird, Derek (xwave)
- Generate a map based on a context file
Bird, Derek (xwave)
- WMS and Web Services
Bird, Derek (xwave)
- Outputting 8-bit GeoTIFF with PCT: extra entry?
Avi A Blackmore
- Outputting 8-bit GeoTIFF with PCT: extra entry?
Avi A Blackmore
- mysql?
Cameron Blandy
- Map files for dummies?
Wim Blanken
- problem with running the MS Demo
Wim Blanken
- MapServer incompatibility with RHEL4/CE NTOS4.2
Steven Bowden
- Mapserver WFS Request Caching
Tim Bowden
- Mapserver on Linux vs Windows
Tim Bowden
- MapServer on Linux
Tim Bowden
- Mapserver on Linux vs Windows
Tim Bowden
- fastcgi & mapserver
Tim Bowden
- fastcgi & mapserver
Tim Bowden
- sde data layers & get capabilities with 4.8.1
Tim Bowden
- sde data layers & get capabilities with 4.8.1
Tim Bowden
- ecw support- Alternate implementation
Tim Bowden
- Installation problem
Russ Bradford
- Installation problem
Russ Bradford
- Installation problem
Russ Bradford
- PERL/Mapscript postGIS examples?
Eric Bridger
- PERL/Mapscript postGIS examples?
Eric Bridger
- PHP and JAVA, somebody already used?
- Serving raster images via MapServer?
Armin Burger
- Query return highlight
Carl Burn
- Mapserver on Linux vs Windows
Shoaib Burq
- WCS & pseudocolor table
Shoaib Burq
- Editing geographic features on the WEB
Shoaib Burq
- Melbourne Mapserver User Group (Australia)
Shoaib Burq
- Architecture for Enterprise Backend
Shoaib Burq
- To All Users ! Check It !
Shoaib Burq
- shapefile optimization for dynamic data
Shoaib Burq
- C# mapscript...
Howard Butler
- Fatal error: [MapServer Error]: msSDELayerGetShape():
Howard Butler
- mysql?
Howard Butler
- MapServer 4.8.2
Howard Butler
- MapServer 4.8.3
Howard Butler
- php mapscript question
Andrea Cappugi
- php mapscript question
Andrea Cappugi
- mapserver as WCS client
John Cartwright
- for Italian freegissers
Paolo Cavallini
- JPG speed /TIF speed
Sa o Celarc
- epsg code and php/mapscript setProjection
Dennis Christopher
- calculating coordinates by projecting a point
Dennis Christopher
- Windows Vista
Clever, Max
- Windows Vista
Clever, Max
- C# mapscript...
John Cole
- C# mapscript...
John Cole
- C# mapscript...
John Cole
- mapserver symbol problem...
John Cole
- WMS projection error...
John Cole
- WMS projection error...
John Cole
- WMS projection error...
John Cole
- Symbolization tests - volunteers needed ...
John Cole
- WMS projection error...
John Cole
- WMS projection error...
John Cole
- Oracle Multitable Join
Christopher Condit
- MapScript C# QueryByPoint
Christopher Condit
- MapScript C# QueryByPoint
Christopher Condit
- raster classing problem
Christopher Condit
- raster classing problem
Christopher Condit
- filled symbols bleed at edge of map
Christopher Condit
- Preventing browser refresh using Mapserver
Ben Crane
- ka-map query
Ben Crane
- Future Transactional capabilities in Mapserver
Ben Crane
- Ka-map problems with Mapserver
Ben Crane
- SVG not being created in Mapserver
Ben Crane
- shapes to MySQL
Attila Csipa
- Mapscript installation
Damiano Damiano
- "Capturing" mapserver images
Stephen Davies
- "Capturing" mapserver images
Stephen Davies
- "Capturing" mapserver images
Stephen Davies
- PERL Mapscript
Stephen Davies
- PERL Mapscript
Stephen Davies
- PERL Mapscript
Stephen Davies
- PERL/Mapscript postGIS examples?
Stephen Davies
- PERL/Mapscript postGIS examples?
Stephen Davies
- PERL/Mapscript postGIS examples?
Stephen Davies
- PERL/Mapscript postGIS examples?
Stephen Davies
- Serving raster images via MapServer?
Thom DeCarlo
- Serving raster images via MapServer?
Thom DeCarlo
- Tileindex of DGN's being opened as shapefile layer
Delfos, Jacob
- Tileindex of DGN's being opened as shapefilelayer
Delfos, Jacob
- Point Layer Won't Draw
Delfos, Jacob
- Plz How to --> Lat, long info in the final Map And Final Mapsize based on users choice
M K Dey
- To All Users ! Check It !
M K Dey
- Mapserver on Linux vs Windows
Sture Dingsøyr
Sture Dingsøyr
- How to avoide HUGE .map files
Ed Dowding
- Fwd: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Mac OS X installers Panther vs Tiger
Allan Doyle
- Problems with Label Placement and Symbols Anti-Aliasing (I think)
Doyon, Jean-Francois
- FW: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Problems with Label Placement and Symbo ls Anti-Aliasing (I think)
Doyon, Jean-Francois
- MapServer incompatibility with RHEL4/CENTOS4.2
Doyon, Jean-Francois
- MapServer incompatibility with RHEL4/CE NTOS4.2
Doyon, Jean-Francois
- MapServer incompatibility with RHEL4/CE NTOS4.2
Doyon, Jean-Francois
- MapServer incompatibility with RHEL4/CE NTOS4.2
Doyon, Jean-Francois
- MapServer incompatibility with RHEL4/CE NTOS4.2
Doyon, Jean-Francois
- MapServer incompatibility with RHEL4/CE NTOS4.2
Doyon, Jean-Francois
- MapServer incompatibility with RHEL4/CE NTOS4.2
Doyon, Jean-Francois
- MapServer incompatibility with RHEL4/CE NTOS4.2
Doyon, Jean-Francois
- SUCCESS!! RE: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] MapServer incompatibility wit h RHEL4/CE NTOS4.2
Doyon, Jean-Francois
- MapServer incompatibility with RHEL4/CE NTOS4.2
Doyon, Jean-Francois
- MapServer incompatibility with RHEL4/CE NTOS4.2
Doyon, Jean-Francois
- Installation problem
Doyon, Jean-Francois
- Problems Installing New MapServer Version 4.8.1 on Windows Server 2003 IIS 6.0
Brent T. Dukes
- GetFeatureInfo reponse
Laura Díaz
- labeling with SLDs in MapServer
Laura Díaz
- Compiling mapserver fails on Solaris
Øyvind Eide
- mapserver / oracle 10g /debian
Bart van den Eijnden
- copyright text bottomright but mapsize variable
Bart van den Eijnden
- [postgis] FATAL: Sorry, too many clients already
Bart van den Eijnden
Bart van den Eijnden
- TIFF Raster Images - UTM32,33
Eijnden, B. van den (Bart)
- Editing geographic features on the WEB
Eijnden, B. van den (Bart)
- sde data layers & get capabilities with 4.8.1
Eijnden, B. van den (Bart)
- php error with ogr odbc
Eijnden, B. van den (Bart)
- Setting up a value for a classitem expr ession in address bar - possible?
Eijnden, B. van den (Bart)
- PHP/Mapscript as a module, curl
Eijnden, B. van den (Bart)
- WMS time and Oracle Spatial
Eijnden, B. van den (Bart)
- Displaying more classes in a legend
Eijnden, B. van den (Bart)
- WMS - no image
Eijnden, B. van den (Bart)
- tileindex: sequence of attributes in individual shapefiles matter s
Eijnden, B. van den (Bart)
- shapefile optimization for dynamic data
Ben Eisenbraun
- shapefile optimization for dynamic data
Ben Eisenbraun
- Item Query Hilight
Maurizio Esposito
- Item Query Hilight
Maurizio Esposito
- Item Query Hilight
Maurizio Esposito
- Predefined Extents
Sean Fadum
- where to save .map files on Windows?
Fawcett, David
- Defining simple symbols
Fawcett, David
- WMS projection error...
Fawcett, David
- Improving Performance... {Scanned}
Fawcett, David
- Improving Performance... {Scanned}
Fawcett, David
- Palletizing Bulk Tiled Imagery
Fawcett, David
- Map files for dummies?
Fawcett, David
- MapServer Object Diagram
Fawcett, David
- pixmap transparency png
Fawcett, David
- Mysql ogr
Fawcett, David
- gmap demo
Frank Fica
- PHP/Mapscript installation problem
Frank Fica
- ecws
Kevin Flanders
- Filter vs. seperate shapefiles
Kevin Flanders
- extra spatial filter for OVF source
Huub Fleuren
- extra spatial filter for OVF source
Huub Fleuren
- copyright text bottomright but mapsize variable
Huub Fleuren
- [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Problems Installing New MapServer Version 4.8.1 on Windows Server 2003 IIS 6.0
Fortin,Nicolas [SteFoy]
- [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] How to install source code mapserver-4.8.2.tar.tar in Window?
Fortin,Nicolas [SteFoy]
- Mapserver Labels
- Arrow for a line
Brent Fraser
- Label scaling trouble
Miguel de la Fuente
- Scaling Label
Miguel de la Fuente
- GEOS integration questions
- Editing geographic features on the WEB
- open source font
Dean Gadoury
- centering label inside a square
Dejan Gambin
- basic configuration
Albert Garcia
- Escaping Mapfile Quotes
Pete Giencke
- Escaping Mapfile Quotes
Pete Giencke
- C# mapscript...
Abe Gillespie
- JPG speed /TIF speed
Sean Gillies
- JPG speed /TIF speed
Sean Gillies
- Converting Polygon Shapefile
Sean Gillies
- Strange colors behavior
Sean Gillies
- Setup Mapserver IIS
Hugo Girard
- Setup mapserver iis
Hugo Girard
- setup mapserver iis
Hugo Girard
- Really strange!!!
Hugo Girard
- Re.: Recommend a book
Dominic Gusah
- SDE and SUSE9
Listuser H.
- Mapserver CGI + ArcSDE 8.3 windows build ?
listuser HH
- MapServer 4.8.2
listuser HH
- WMS and Web Services
listuser HH
- Java Mapscript - querybyattribut
listuser HH
- Architecture for Enterprise Backend
Simon Haddon
- Mapserver website dead?
Steven Haigh
- Install at Shared Hosting Facility, can it be done???
Alan Hale
- problem with running the MS Demo
Gur Hanan
- Point Layer Won't Draw
Lawrence Hartpence
- Point Layer Won't Draw
Lawrence Hartpence
- SUM: Point Layer Won't Draw
Lawrence Hartpence
- Substitution strings
Lawrence Hartpence
- Substitution strings
Lawrence Hartpence
- dBox
Lawrence Hartpence
- layer with JPG image and world file
He, Matt Yubin
- question about LEGEND tag in Mapfile
He, Matt Yubin
He, Matt Yubin
- New User - What to start with: Unix or Windows
Flavio Hendry
- Clickable Rotated Floorplans on the Web
Flavio Hendry
- Line Style
Flavio Hendry
- How to increase resolution of image?
Flavio Hendry
- How to increase resolution of image?
Flavio Hendry
- Map files for dummies?
Flavio Hendry
- qix Error Message with java mapscript
Nicol Hermann
- Reprojection of EPSG 27572 to 4326
Nicol Hermann
- symbol size
Daryl Herzmann
- symbol size
Daryl Herzmann
- 4.8 change in pixmap SIZE value
Daryl Herzmann
- Mapserver in an IIS cluster
Daryl Herzmann
- Using a web image as a map layer
Daryl Herzmann
- drawLabelCache problem in 4.8.2
Jeff Hoffmann
- Projection issues on WFS-Server
Stephan Holl
- Projection issues on WFS-Server
Stephan Holl
- Projection issues on WFS-Server
Stephan Holl
- Projection issues on WFS-Server
Stephan Holl
- Projection issues on WFS-Server
Stephan Holl
- arcCatalog 9.1 and MS WMS
Robert Hollingsworth
- Converting messages to GIS Data
Mark Howard
- Using a web image as a map layer
Mark Howard
- [UNCLASSIFIED]RE: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Using a web image as a ma p layer
Mark Howard
- Error load from database
Luis Treviño Huerta
- shptree and tileindex
Hunter, David - St. Louis Park, MN
- Announcement - new version of AppForMap
Martin Høgh
- Using mapsize in variable substitution
- Labelling highways
Randy James
- Resolution of screen
Carola Jesch
- cgi Run-time Substitution for map size
Carola Jesch
- Improving Performance... {Scanned}
Carola Jesch
- Problem with reprojected images
Dirk Jesko
- Problem with reprojected images
Dirk Jesko
- Problem with reprojected images
Dirk Jesko
- Problem with reprojected images
Dirk Jesko
- PHP/MapScript projection string
Dirk Jesko
- UTM Projection
Dirk Jesko
- Error load from database
Clint Johnson
- Using SLD with GetLegendGraphic
Miles Jordan
- Using SLD with GetLegendGraphic
Miles Jordan
- VS: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Shape layer is not shown. Please help
Rahkonen Jukka
- Problem with reprojected images
Rahkonen Jukka
- VS: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Problem with reprojected images
Rahkonen Jukka
- Improving Performance... {Scanned}
Rahkonen Jukka
- VS: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Improving Performance... {Scanned}
Rahkonen Jukka
- Palletizing Bulk Tiled Imagery
Rahkonen Jukka
- WFS - Playing with scales
Rahkonen Jukka
- VS: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Setup mapserver iis
Rahkonen Jukka
- JPG speed /TIF speed
Rahkonen Jukka
- ecw support- Alternate implementation
Rahkonen Jukka
- [UNCLASSIFIED]RE: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Using a web image as a ma p layer
Rahkonen Jukka
- Arrow for a line
Stepan Kafka
- Projection issues on WFS-Server
Jaakko Kahkonen
- Mapserver website dead?
Janeks Kamerovskis
- javascript rubberband zoom box
Khaled Kamoun
- [dbox] boxoff don't work
Khaled Kamoun
- MapServer documentation status
Eduardo Patto Kanegae
- Labelling roads
Ramesh Karra
- Mapserver caching and map generation
Ramesh Karra
- Mapserver caching and map generation
Ramesh Karra
- Displaying images for points
Ramesh Karra
- label position
Dylan Keon
- Mapserver caching and map generation
P Kishor
- shapes to MySQL
Puneet Kishor
- map file in tmp directory
Puneet Kishor
- map file in tmp directory
Puneet Kishor
- MapServer in kiosks (was Re: map file in tmp directory)
Puneet Kishor
- Install at Shared Hosting Facility, can it be done???
Puneet Kishor
- new mapserver site for Central America; thanks for all the help!
Puneet Kishor
- new mapserver site for Central America; thanks for all the help!
Puneet Kishor
- new mapserver site for Central America; thanks for all the help!
Puneet Kishor
- new mapserver site for Central America; thanks for all the help!
Puneet Kishor
- 500 internal server error
Puneet Kishor
- Tutorial / 500 Internal Server Error
Puneet Kishor
- To All Users ! Check It !
Puneet Kishor
- A suggestion for the list manager(s)
Puneet Kishor
- Windows Ruby mapscript
Jeremiah Knoche
- Editing geographic features on the WEB
Aaron Koning
- How to increase resolution of image?
Aaron Koning
- GetLegendGraphic and sld
Kralidis,Tom [Burlington]
- GetLegendGraphic and sld
Kralidis,Tom [Burlington]
- GetFeatureInfo geometry issue
Kralidis,Tom [Burlington]
Kralidis,Tom [Burlington]
- xlink:href gml property in MapServer WFS
Kralidis,Tom [Burlington]
- Character issue with GetMap and SLD
Kralidis,Tom [Burlington]
- [UMN_MAPSERVER_USERS] Character issue with GetMap and SLD
Kralidis,Tom [Burlington]
- MapServer on Linux
Martin Krempl
- label position
K Kuo
- PHP/Mapscript installation problem
K Kuo
- DMSolutions CanMap
K Kuo
- Mac OS X installers Panther vs Tiger
William Kyngesburye
- Mac OS X installers Panther vs Tiger
William Kyngesburye
- Mac OS X installers Panther vs Tiger
William Kyngesburye
- MapServer Oracle - MS or OGR?
William Kyngesburye
- MapServer Oracle - MS or OGR?
William Kyngesburye
- Dissappearing lines at large scales
Eric Lam
- translate to tcl
Karl Lehenbauer
- Setup Mapserver IIS
Stephane Lessard
- 4.8 change in pixmap SIZE value
Steve Lime
- FW: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Problems with Label Placement and Symbo ls Anti-
Steve Lime
- When drawing a shape is it supposed to use the layer transparency?
Steve Lime
- Quest for knowledge II
Steve Lime
- Mapfile Expression NULL value
Steve Lime
- Mapfile Expression NULL value
Steve Lime
- Double labels
Steve Lime
- Projection issues on WFS-Server
Steve Lime
- msFreeHashItems()?
Steve Lime
- Item Query Hilight
Steve Lime
- Item Query Hilight
Steve Lime
- JBOX - distance measuring
Steve Lime
- Symbolization tests - volunteers needed...
Steve Lime
- dBox
Steve Lime
- displaying layers without having legend label
Steve Lime
- xlink:href gml property in MapServer WFS
Steve Lime
- filled symbols bleed at edge of map
Steve Lime
- filled symbols bleed at edge of map
Steve Lime
- copyright text bottomright but mapsize variable
Steve Lime
- Labelling highways
Steve Lime
- centering label inside a square
Steve Lime
- Filter vs. seperate shapefiles
Steve Lime
- mapserver demo WORKSHOP does not work correctly
Steve Lime
- Escaping Mapfile Quotes
Steve Lime
- ANNOUNCE: Free and Open Source Software for Geoinformatics Conference
Steve Lime
- change projection through CGI parameters
Ning Liu
- Callout type image for a label
Gail Long
- [RE]:How to avoide HUGE .map files
Gail Long
- Symbolization tests - volunteers needed...
Ken Lord
- filled symbols bleed at edge of map
Ken Lord
- MapServer incompatibility with RHEL4/CENTOS4.2
- MapServer incompatibility with RHEL4/CE NTOS4.2
- MapServer incompatibility with RHEL4/CE NTOS4.2
- MapServer incompatibility with RHEL4/CE NTOS4.2
- MapServer incompatibility with RHEL4/CE NTOS4.2
- MapServer incompatibility with RHEL4/CE NTOS4.2
- Mapserver on Linux vs Windows
- MapServer incompatibility with RHEL4/CE NTOS4.2
- translate to tcl
- PERL Mapscript
- PERL Mapscript
- translate to tcl
- PERL/Mapscript postGIS examples?
- Security issue
Léveillé, James
Léveillé, James
- WFS - Playing with scales
Léveillé, James
- Combing Symbols/Points to one when changing scale when points/symbols are agglomerating
Heinz-Josef Lücking
Alessandro MAZZELLA
- Mapserver License?
Map Man
- Mapserver website dead?
Luca Manganelli
- [OT] How to resample and produce overviews with TIFs with GDAL?
Luca Manganelli
- How to install source code mapserver-4.8.2.tar.tar in Window?
Neil "Nemo" Martinko
- problem in Mapscript installation
Stefano Masci
- use variable extension dir
Stefano Masci
- Mapserver distribution for mono
Xavier Mauclaire
- Mapserver compiled distribution for mono
Xavier Mauclaire
- Error when compiling c# mapscript on linux machine
Xavier Mauclaire
- ECW SDK 3.3 libraries and sources
Fr édéric Mauro
- ECW SDK 3.3 libraries and sources
Fr édéric Mauro
- new mapserver site for Central America; thanks for all the help!
Emilio Mayorga
- new mapserver site for Central America; thanks for all the help!
Emilio Mayorga
- new mapserver site for Central America; thanks for all the help!;
Emilio Mayorga
- using ogr2ogr to create pt shp file from dbf w/ lat-lon fields
Emilio Mayorga
- using ogr2ogr to create pt shp file from dbf w/ lat-lon fields
Emilio Mayorga
- using ogr2ogr to create pt shp file from dbf w/ lat-lon fields
Emilio Mayorga
- Installation problem
Dave McCormick
- Installation problem
Dave McCormick
- Installation problem
Dave McCormick
- Installation problem
Dave McCormick
- dBox
Rob McCulley
- MapscriptJNI - No such file failure in new_projectionObj
McGraw, Joanne
- MapscriptJNI - No such file failure in new_projectionObj
McGraw, Joanne
- ka-map query
Jeff McKenna
- PHPMapscript
Jeff McKenna
- PHPMapscript
Jeff McKenna
- Street level data
Jeff McKenna
- DMSolutions CanMap
Jeff McKenna
- where to save .map files on Windows?
Jeff McKenna
- epsg code and php/mapscript setProjection
Jeff McKenna
- Melbourne Mapserver User Group (Australia)
Jeff McKenna
- problem with running the MS Demo
Jeff McKenna
- tileindex: sequence of attributes in individual shapefiles matter s
Jeff McKenna
- Windows Vista
Jeff McKenna
- Mapserver caching and map generation
Ed McNierney
- Mapserver caching and map generation
Ed McNierney
- Mapserver caching and map generation
Ed McNierney
- Mapserver WFS Request Caching
Ed McNierney
- Mapserver on Linux vs Windows
Ed McNierney
- Mapserver on Linux vs Windows
Ed McNierney
- Mapserver on Linux vs Windows
Ed McNierney
- Mapserver on Linux vs Windows
Ed McNierney
- map file in tmp directory
Ed McNierney
- How to avoide HUGE .map files
Ed McNierney
- Help in displaying rasters needed!
Ed McNierney
- Resolution of screen {Scanned}
Ed McNierney
- Problem with reprojected images
Ed McNierney
- Problem with reprojected images
Ed McNierney
- Mapserver caching and map generation
Ed McNierney
- shptree and tileindex
Ed McNierney
- Map files for dummies?
Ed McNierney
- Serving raster images via MapServer?
Ed McNierney
- Serving raster images via MapServer?
Ed McNierney
- PERL Mapscript
Manfred Meier
- difficulty running new Mapserv CGI within cgi-bin
Kurt Menke
- When drawing a shape is it supposed to use the layer transparency?
Merrett, Mike
- New User - What to start with: Unix or Windows
Werner Meyer
- new mapserver site for Central America; thanks for all the help!;
Gail Millin
- Problems Installing New MapServer Version 4.8.1 on Windows Server 2003 IIS 6.0
Gail Millin
- [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Problems Installing New MapServer Version 4.8.1 on Windows Server 2003 IIS 6.0
Gail Millin
- How To access Object (Feature) ID in a template file?
Dmitri Mizerkin
- Setting up a value for a classitem expression in address bar - possible?
Dmitri Mizerkin
- AW: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Setting up a value for a classitem expression in address bar - possible?
Dmitri Mizerkin
- Value list in expression-field
Dmitri Mizerkin
- Value list in expression-field
Dmitri Mizerkin
- Timeframe for Mapserver 4.8.2
Paul Moen
- How to increase resolution of image?
Paul Moen
- Annotation for line layer problem
Paul Moen
- How to increase resolution of image?
Paul Moen
- Annotation for line layer problem
Paul Moen
- queryByAttributes PostGIS Problem
Paul Moen
- drawLabelCache problem in 4.8.2
Paul Moen
- queryByAttributes PostGIS Problem
Paul Moen
- Improving Performance... {Scanned}
Steven Monai
- Possibly a silly question ?
Steven Monai
- Palletizing Bulk Tiled Imagery
Dustin Moore
- Clickable Rotated Floorplans on the Web
Kyle Mulka
- Coloring elevations below sea level
Me My
- PHPMapscript
VolComHG (sent by
- PHPMapscript
VolComHG (sent by
- PHPMapscript
VolComHG (sent by
- PHPMapscript
VolComHG (sent by
- PHPMapscript
VolComHG (sent by
- PHPMapscript
VolComHG (sent by
- PHPMapscript
VolComHG (sent by
- PHPMapscript
VolComHG (sent by
- mapserver as WCS client
Pericles S. Nacionales
- Mapserver on Solaris 10
Pericles S. Nacionales
- basic configuration
Pericles S. Nacionales
- Melbourne Mapserver User Group (Australia)
Pericles S. Nacionales
- Tutorial / 500 Internal Server Error
Pericles S. Nacionales
- Tutorial / 500 Internal Server Error
Pericles S. Nacionales
- Tutorial / 500 Internal Server Error
Pericles S. Nacionales
- Setup Mapserver IIS
Pericles S. Nacionales
- setup mapserver iis
Pericles S. Nacionales
- Web application error
Pericles S. Nacionales
- Web application error
Pericles S. Nacionales
- Web application error
Pericles S. Nacionales
- Mapserver website dead?
Umberto Nicoletti
- WMS projection error...
- Newb question
Ibis Noir
- Problems with Itasca Demo
Ibis Noir
- shapes to MySQL
Ker Nulov
- shapes to MySQL
Ker Nulov
- shapes to MySQL
Ker Nulov
- Help in displaying rasters needed!
Ker Nulov
- Map files for dummies?
Dave Nuttall
- Map files for dummies?
Dave Nuttall
- Map files for dummies?
Dave Nuttall
- libmap.dll
Fabio D' Ovidio
- Editing geographic features on the WEB
Fabio D' Ovidio
- Displaying more classes in a legend
Fabio D' Ovidio
- Displaying layers
Fabio D' Ovidio
- Displaying layers
Fabio D' Ovidio
- MapServer & MapGuide
Fabio D' Ovidio
- (Fwd) Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] MapServer & MapGuide
Fabio D' Ovidio
- MapServer ArcIMS and MapGUIDE
Fabio D' Ovidio
- Point Layer Won't Draw
Pagurek,Debbie [NCR]
- OGR Virtual problem with Where clause
Pagurek,Debbie [NCR]
- OGR Virtual problem with Where clause
Pagurek,Debbie [NCR]
- Possibly a silly question ?
Steve Pashby
- Possibly a silly question ?
Steve Pashby
- Labelling highways
Steve Pashby
- Labelling highways
Steve Pashby
- Labelling highways
Steve Pashby
- undefined reference to `CPLSearchXMLNode' - compiling mapserver-4.8.1
Alessandro Pasotti
- undefined reference to `CPLSearchXMLNode' - compiling mapserver-4.8.1
Alessandro Pasotti
- Installation problem
Brent Pedersen
- Strange colors behavior
Sylvain Perrinel
- Strange colors behavior
Sylvain Perrinel
- Coordinate projection ShpMinX using CGI
James Perrins
- Mapserver CGI + ArcSDE 8.3 windows build ?
James Perrins
- OGR Virtual problem with Where clause
James Perrins
- OGR Virtual problem with Where clause
James Perrins
- Defining a line from SQL server using OGR
James Perrins
- Defining a line from SQL server using OGR
James Perrins
- How to edit your PostGIS data
Matthew Perry
- Assigning NODATA value to WCS output
Matthew Perry
- Assigning NODATA value to WCS output
Matthew Perry
- JPG speed /TIF speed
Matthew Perry
- Converting Polygon Shapefile
Matthew Perry
- Joining another table in a PostGIS layer for CLASS
Matthew Perry
- Joining another table in a PostGIS layer for CLASS
Matthew Perry
- MAPSERVER-USERS Digest - 15 Mar 2006 to 16 Mar 2006 (#2006-76)
Marty Petach
- MAPSERVER-USERS Digest - 16 Mar 2006 to 17 Mar 2006 (#2006-77)
Marty Petach
- mapserver / oracle 10g /debian
Didrik Pinte
- mapserver / oracle 10g /debian
Didrik Pinte
- query : from 4.4 to 4.8
Didrik Pinte
- mapserver doc : website - french translation
Didrik Pinte
- is not eppl error with php_mapscript
Simone Pittaluga
- Double labels
Giorgio Plazzotta
- Double labels
Giorgio Plazzotta
- Double labels in Mapserver 4.8?
Giorgio Plazzotta
- No subject
Jochem Prins
François Prunayre
- OGR Virtual problem with Where clause
Charlton Purvis
- Place reference map inside map window - possible?
Wolfgang Qual
- (How) can I reduce the loading time of GRASS-layers in UMN Mapserver?
Wolfgang Qual
- threads in mapserv
Paul Ramsey
- How to edit your PostGIS data
Paul Ramsey
- Street level data
Paul Ramsey
- Serving raster images via MapServer?
Paul Ramsey
- setting STYLE with CGI parameters
Paul Ramsey
- Re.: Recommend a book
Mike Reilly
- Multiple mapshape parameters?
- [UNCLASSIFIED] Parameterized WMS anyone?
Antti Roppola
Antti Roppola
- [UNCLASSIFIED]RE: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Using a web image as a ma p layer
Antti Roppola
- Arrow for a line
Jørn Vegard Røsnes
- Arrow for a line
Jørn Vegard Røsnes
- Simple flash viewer for MapServer available
Neil Saunders
- Oracle Spatial : Geodetic data : queries fail
Michael Scharber
- Oracle Spatial : Geodetic data : queries fail
Michael Scharber
- How to avoide HUGE .map files
Michael Scharber
- How to avoide HUGE .map files {Scanned}
Michael Scharber
- Value list in expression-field
Tim Schaub
- filled symbols bleed at edge of map
Tim Schaub
- Using SLD with GetLegendGraphic
Michael Schulz
- Using SLD with GetLegendGraphic
Michael Schulz
- error log?
Sears, Jeremy
- error log?
Sears, Jeremy
- msFreeHashItems()?
Sears, Jeremy
- msFreeHashItems()?
Sears, Jeremy
- WAN vs LAN access problems
Sears, Jeremy
- FW: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] WAN vs LAN access problems
Sears, Jeremy
- WAN vs LAN access problems
Sears, Jeremy
- Anyone doing Daily MapServer builds for Windows?
Steve Sharp
- ODBC join to shapefile
David Shorthouse
- error when loading queryfile
Jason Sievers
- Oracle Multitable Join
Fernando Simon
- Oracle Spatial : Geodetic data : queries fail
Fernando Simon
- mapserver / oracle 10g /debian
Fernando Simon
- PERL/Mapscript postGIS examples?
- Tutorial / 500 Internal Server Error
Dave Stone
- Defining simple symbols
Dave Stone
- Defining simple symbols
Dave Stone
- Tutorial / 500 Internal Server Error
Dave Stone
- Tutorial / 500 Internal Server Error
Dave Stone
- Tutorial / 500 Internal Server Error
Dave Stone
- Web application error
Dave Stone
- Query a joined table
Rick Stoyle
- C# mapscript...
Tamas Szekeres
- C# mapscript...
Tamas Szekeres
- Mapserver compiled distribution for mono
Tamas Szekeres
- Error when compiling c# mapscript on linux machine
Tamas Szekeres
- Setup Mapserver IIS
Tamas Szekeres
- Using Microsoft SQL Server?
Tamas Szekeres
- newbie question
Etienne Sévin
- newbie question {Scanned}
Etienne Sévin
- map file in tmp directory
Chip Taylor
- Street level data
Chip Taylor
- Mapserver in an IIS cluster
Chip Taylor
- Using Microsoft SQL Server?
Chip Taylor
- Converting Polygon Shapefile
Chip Taylor
- Specifying a symbol in a database
Chip Taylor
- Defining a line from SQL server using OGR
Chip Taylor
- Defining a line from SQL server using OGR
Chip Taylor
- displaying layers without having legend label
Richard Taylor
- data proliferation or the data that ate the disk space
Richard Taylor
- Shape layer is not shown. Please help
Travis Kirstine GIS Tech
- palette
Travis Kirstine GIS Tech
- WFS - Playing with scales
Travis Kirstine GIS Tech
- Change Map dynamically
- [Gdal-dev] Mac OS X installers Panther vs Tiger
Jeroen Ticheler
- How To access Object (Feature) ID in a template file?
- Error load from database
Alexander Rodriguez Torres
- threads in mapserv
Chris Tweedie
- fastcgi & mapserver
Chris Tweedie
- fastcgi & mapserver
Chris Tweedie
- "Capturing" mapserver images
Chris Tweedie
- shapefile optimization for dynamic data
Chris Tweedie
- WFS GetFeature using FILTER & BBOX
Van Ulden, Joost
- Using Microsoft SQL Server?
Van Ulden, Joost
- DMSolutions CanMap
Luiz Vaz
- open source font
Luiz Vaz
- Crispy Lines
Luiz Vaz
- Crispy Lines
Luiz Vaz
- Crispy Lines
Luiz Vaz
- Palletizing Bulk Tiled Imagery
Norman Vine
- Palletizing Bulk Tiled Imagery
Norman Vine
- Serving raster images via MapServer?
Norman Vine
- Editing geographic features on the WEB
Steven De Vriendt
- Simple flash viewer for MapServer available
Steven De Vriendt
- Trouble getting GeoTiiff transparent: what to use ? transparent, offset, transparency ?
Steven De Vriendt
- Trouble getting GeoTiiff transparent: what to use ? transparent, offset, transparency ?
Steven De Vriendt
- Serve GeoTIFF with Mapserver
Steven De Vriendt
- Serve GeoTIFF with Mapserver
Steven De Vriendt
- Serve GeoTIFF with Mapserver
Steven De Vriendt
- Serve GeoTIFF with Mapserver
Steven De Vriendt
- mapserver as WCS client
Frank Warmerdam
- Outputting 8-bit GeoTIFF with PCT: extra entry?
Frank Warmerdam
- threads in mapserv
Frank Warmerdam
- threads in mapserv
Frank Warmerdam
- TIFF Raster Images - UTM32,33
Frank Warmerdam
- WCS & pseudocolor table
Frank Warmerdam
- Projection issues on WFS-Server
Frank Warmerdam
- fastcgi & mapserver
Frank Warmerdam
- Projection issues on WFS-Server
Frank Warmerdam
- Projection issues on WFS-Server
Frank Warmerdam
- Assigning NODATA value to WCS output
Frank Warmerdam
- Problem with reprojected images
Frank Warmerdam
- mysql?
Frank Warmerdam
- Problem with reprojected images
Frank Warmerdam
- WMS projection error...
Frank Warmerdam
- WMS projection error...
Frank Warmerdam
- undefined reference to `CPLSearchXMLNode' - compiling mapserver-4.8.1
Frank Warmerdam
- extra spatial filter for OVF source
Frank Warmerdam
- using ogr2ogr to create pt shp file from dbf w/ lat-lon fields
Frank Warmerdam
- Palletizing Bulk Tiled Imagery
Frank Warmerdam
- Possibly a silly question ?
Frank Warmerdam
- using ogr2ogr to create pt shp file from dbf w/ lat-lon fields
Frank Warmerdam
- difficulty running new Mapserv CGI within cgi-bin
Frank Warmerdam
- Following Bill Kropla's "Beginning Mapserver"
Frank Warmerdam
- no joy: Bill Kropla's "Beginning Mapserver"
Frank Warmerdam
- no joy: Bill Kropla's "Beginning Mapserver"
Frank Warmerdam
- MapServer Oracle - MS or OGR?
Frank Warmerdam
- Serving raster images via MapServer?
Frank Warmerdam
- MapServer Oracle - MS or OGR?
Frank Warmerdam
- Defining a line from SQL server using OGR
Frank Warmerdam
- Defining a line from SQL server using OGR
Frank Warmerdam
- Quest for knowledge
Gary Watry
- Quest for knowledge II
Gary Watry
- test - disregard
Gary Watry
- Java Mapscript - querybyattribut
Oliver Wesp
- ruby mapscript segmentation fault
Andrew Wiens
- ruby mapscript
Andy Wiens
- javascript rubberband zoom box
Doug Williams
- javascript rubberband zoom box
Doug Williams
- PHPMapscript
Doug Williams
- PHPMapscript
Doug Williams
- javascript rubberband zoom box (ver 0.8)
Doug Williams
- javascript rubberband zoom box (ver 0.8)
Doug Williams
- ecws
Kenton Williams
- Joining another table in a PostGIS layer for CLASS
Kenton Williams
- aerial picture
Kenton Williams
- Joining another table in a PostGIS layer for CLASS
Kenton Williams
- Simple flash viewer for MapServer available
Edwin Wisse
- How to edit your PostGIS data
Christian Wolf
- shapes to MySQL
Brent Wood
- label position
Stephen Woodbridge
- label position
Stephen Woodbridge
- shapes to MySQL
Stephen Woodbridge
- shapes to MySQL
Stephen Woodbridge
- shapes to MySQL
Stephen Woodbridge
- libmap.dll
Stephen Woodbridge
- Quest for knowledge
Stephen Woodbridge
- Mapquest and Yahoo are trying to keep up with Google
Stephen Woodbridge
- cgi Run-time Substitution for map size
Stephen Woodbridge
- Problem with reprojected images
Stephen Woodbridge
- Mapserver caching and map generation
Stephen Woodbridge
- PHP MapScript 4.8.1 and PHP 5.1.2
Stephen Woodbridge
- Tutorial / 500 Internal Server Error
Stephen Woodbridge
- copyright text bottomright but mapsize variable
Stephen Woodbridge
- PHP/Mapscript, apache2, mod_php - What is the status?
Stephen Woodbridge
- Map files for dummies?
Stephen Woodbridge
- data proliferation or the data that ate the disk space
Stephen Woodbridge
- Filter vs. seperate shapefiles
Stephen Woodbridge
- shapefile optimization for dynamic data
Stephen Woodbridge
- shapefile optimization for dynamic data
Stephen Woodbridge
- PHP/Mapscript, apache2, mod_php - What is the status?
Stephen Woodbridge
- tileindex: sequence of attributes in individual shapefiles matter s
Stephen Woodbridge
- tileindex: sequence of attributes in individual shapefiles matter s
Stephen Woodbridge
- Trouble getting GeoTiiff transparent: what to use ? transparent, offset, transparency ?
Mark Wright
- Shape layer is not shown. Please help
- Shape layer is not shown. Please help
- aerial picture
Jorge Zambrano
- MapServer on Linux {Scanned}
Siki Zoltan
- PHPMapscript {Scanned}
Siki Zoltan
- How to avoide HUGE .map files {Scanned}
Siki Zoltan
- newbie question {Scanned}
Siki Zoltan
- newbie question {Scanned}
Siki Zoltan
- Resolution of screen {Scanned}
Siki Zoltan
- cgi Run-time Substitution for map size {Scanned} {Scanned}
Siki Zoltan
- Improving Performance... {Scanned}
Siki Zoltan
- Improving Performance... {Scanned}
Siki Zoltan
- Improving Performance... {Scanned}
Siki Zoltan
- Improving Performance... {Scanned}
Siki Zoltan
- newbie question
Skalski Artur - askals
- PHPMapscript
- PHPMapscript
- PHPMapscript
- PHPMapscript
- Install at Shared Hosting Facility, can it be done???
- Install at Shared Hosting Facility, can it be done???
- Editing geographic features on the WEB
- Install at Shared Hosting Facility, can it be done???
- Editing geographic features on the WEB
- Editing geographic features on the WEB
- R: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Problems with Itasca Demo
- aerial picture
- Install at Shared Hosting Facility, can it be done???
keith fraley
- Install at Shared Hosting Facility, can it be done???
keith fraley
- Install at Shared Hosting Facility, can it be done???
keith fraley
- Help needed with install, willing to pay...
keith fraley
- WMS - no image
robert fritz
- can't see any image symbol with 4.6
toni hernández
- symbols from 4.4.1 to 4.6.1
toni hernández
- a wms layer in a dhtml rubber-band box itasca demo.
toni hernández
toni hernández
- Serving ECW's with Mapserver 4.8.1
a j
- Improving Performance...
Paul james
- palette
salah jubeh
- Hdf file support
salah jubeh
- translate to tcl
salah jubeh
- How to install source code mapserver-4.8.2.tar.tar in Window?
lpzhao at
- php mapscript question
- Query result in a center
igor pinheiro
- This is awesome!
saurin shah
- mapserver demo WORKSHOP does not work correctly
- threads in mapserv
- threads in mapserv
- threads in mapserv
- threads in mapserv
- threads in mapserv
- Mapserver caching and map generation
- Mapserver on Linux vs Windows
- TIFF Raster Images - UTM32,33
- UTM Projection
- UTM Projection
Last message date:
Fri Mar 31 16:39:46 PST 2006
Archived on: Mon Oct 7 06:01:40 PDT 2024
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).