calculating coordinates by projecting a point

Dennis Christopher Dennis.Christopher at DPRA.COM
Fri Mar 17 13:43:05 EST 2006



We have a routine that creates a new layer

For purposes to placing a single point object

On the map. The user enters the coordinates

Of the point they want to see placed.


I am trying to extend this now by allowing the

User to enter points in other projections than

The current, e.g. in latlong when the map is

Projected in utm.


I create a point object on the layer On the dynamic layer 

and set Its coordinates to the user entered values, then project

The point to get the values in the current projection.


The issue is that the point is not drawn. Echoing

The map extents after the point is created shows that they

Have changed to something unexpected. Why

Would this be?


Note. I'm not sure if the layer is created with the map's projection

By default, but I have tried calling layer->setProjection() as well

With the same result.


Dennis Christopher


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