Improving Performance... {Scanned}

Siki Zoltan siki at AGT.BME.HU
Sun Mar 19 19:35:23 EST 2006


Probaly you use MS XP, there is a limitation, one program is limited to 
use 2GB RAM only on a 32 bit system. On Xp 64 bit no memory limit (or 
Try to create the spatial index on a linux box ;)

An other solution is to split your shape file into smaller tiles and 
use ogrtindex to create tileindex. It may make faster your application.
Make an index for each tile and for the tile index too. 


On Sun, 19 Mar 2006, Jelmer Baas wrote:

> Siki Zoltan wrote:
> > On Sun, 19 Mar 2006, Jelmer Baas wrote:
> > The largest file I had was 44 MB, I created index without any problem.
> > Does it work for smaler files?
> > Do you use shptree? You may have version problem (dll or so).
> Mine is 218MB (Only has 1132271 records :P). Smaller files DID work. 
> Like I said, it loads all the entries into memory and then crashes when 
> trying to address more than 2GB.

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