queryByAttributes PostGIS Problem

Paul Moen pmoen at STATE.ND.US
Mon Mar 27 12:51:13 EST 2006

The following gives me the ability I had in 4.6.2 with queryByAttributes.

It seems that 4.8.2 does not include a fix for bug 1629.  I downloaded and applied the patch and
my query works as it did in 4.6.2.

The patch is available by going to http://mapserver.gis.umn.edu/bugs/index.cgi and entering
1629 for the bug number.

I downloaded the patch, named it mapostgis.patch and saved it in my mapserver-4.8.2 source

To apply the patch, in the mapserver-4.8.2 source directory, I typed in terminal,
patch mappostgis.c mappostgis.patch

I then recompiled mapserver and queryByAttributes works as it did in 4.6.2.

Hopefully someone will find this useful.

Paul Moen

On Thu, 23 Mar 2006 13:15:40 -0600, Paul Moen <pmoen at STATE.ND.US> wrote:

>Can anyone tell me how to use queryByAttributes in PHP mapscript to query a
>postgis layer with the following WHERE clause.
>WHERE (location LIKE '12458%' AND county = 'Bowman')
>I assume that I can do it with 4.8.2 since I could with mapscript 4.6.2
>using $search = $qlayer->queryByAttributes(county,"(location LIKE '12458%'
>AND county = 'Bowman')",MS_MULTIPLE);
>With 4.6.2, it didn't seem to matter what field I put in the first
>parameter, as long as it was a valid field. The second parameter was
>essentially the where clause.
>With 4.8.2, using $search = $qlayer->queryByAttributes(county,"(location
>LIKE '12458%' AND county = 'Bowman')",MS_MULTIPLE);
>creates the malformed where clause below.
>WHERE (county = 'location LIKE '12458%' AND county = 'Bowman'')
>Is this a bug or did the functionality go away?
>Thank you,
>Paul T. Moen
>pmoen at state.nd.us
>ND State Water Commission

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