shapes to MySQL

Puneet Kishor punkish at EIDESIS.ORG
Fri Mar 3 14:18:44 EST 2006

Stephen Woodbridge wrote:
> Ker Nulov wrote:
>> Ohh, well, my shapefile 78 MB and it has 140,000
>> polygons. displaying 1km of zoom taks 1 sec, this is
>> too much for our application. I bet a query in MySQL
>> will be faster.


The problem with your assertion is that someone might take you up on
your bet ;-)

> To answer your question, NO, you can not put your shapefiles in MySQL and render then via mapserver. You can put them in postGIS, but they will be slower than shapefiles.
> -Steve W. 

As Steve W and Attila suggested, just stuffing your data into a database
is not going to make the process faster. Actually, you _can_ put shape
data into MySQL (as Attila can testify), but PostGIS is the more
well-supported way, and well indexed shapefiles really are the fastest.

You might want to benchmark your code.

You might want to create new scaled and tiled versions of your data, so
only relevant portions are munged by MapServer.

You might want to benchmark your code (I said that already). Really.
Only that will tell you what is it that is actually slowing things down.

Puneet Kishor

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