Serving raster images via MapServer?

Frank Warmerdam warmerdam at POBOX.COM
Thu Mar 30 11:18:28 EST 2006

Thom DeCarlo wrote:
> Hey Ed,
> (So, you and Norm are over here, too. Small world!)
> This sounds good. I've been reading up on the gdaltindex and I think I
> understand how to get it set up. But, what is this shptree thing you
> mentioned? 
> Also, two other issues. First, the client is going to be continually
> requesting map updates and the server will be getting frequent additions to
> its repository. If the tile index is held in a shapefile will the MapServer
> re-read that file when a new client request comes in or is it only read when
> Mapserver starts?
> Second, since I've already got a PostgreSQL server managing the vector data,
> can the tile index be held in it, too? I'm going to have a lot of
> overlapping imagery and it seems (to the novice that I am) that SQL queries
> could find the best/newest data to serve out to the client. Or, is this just
> unnecessary overhead?


My understanding is that Steve modified things a while ago (for 4.8) so that
the tileindexes could be a reference to another layer which can be from
Oracle or any other legitimate layer source.  I haven't tried doing this
so there might be some quirkiness in the mechanism.  But if it is important
to you to have the tileindexes is oracle you can give it a try.

BTW, yes, MapServer re-reads the tileindexes for each request.  If you are
altering them frequently you would either need to regenerate any spatial
index that goes with them or avoid having one.

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at
light and sound - activate the windows |
and watch the world go round - Rush    | President OSGF,

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