mapserver / oracle 10g /debian

Bart van den Eijnden bartvde at XS4ALL.NL
Tue Mar 21 08:36:03 EST 2006

Yes, OCI is mandatory. For both the Mapserver native Oracle Spatial
connector, as well as OGR.

Best regards,

> Le mardi 21 mars 2006 à 08:53 -0300, Fernando Simon a écrit :
>> Hi Didrik,
>>     Mapserver can work with UNIX/Linux without problems.
>>     Here I already used with: Suse, RedHat, Slackware, Conectiva and
>> HpUX. You need the OCI (Oracle Call Interface) installed in your system.
>>     Best regards.
> Hi Fernando,
> My question was focused on Oracle/MapServer interaction under linux. I'm
> very happy using MapServer with Postgis but one of my client absolutely
> wants Oracle. That's why ... ;-)
> Is OCI mandatory ? I've read here
> that you
> only need OCI when accessing oracle datasets with OGR ?
> Best regards,
> Didrik

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