Improving Performance...

Jelmer Baas baas at SPEERIT.NL
Sun Mar 19 03:22:46 PST 2006

Paul james wrote:
> Hello all !
> I have a app with one layer (roads - ~600k lines) ... And It take about 
> 10 sec to draw... Its using postgre/postgis... And my server is a ADM64 
> 3800+ , 2GB Ram...
> Is there any kind to optimize that?

As far as I found out, drawing from MapInfo .TAB files is blazingly 
fast. Drawing the whole of the netherlands, the mainroads, the natural 
feautures, a lot of other stuff only takes < 0.5 sec on a machine that's 
less fast as yours.

If the road info is static, I'd try converting it to MapInfo files. .TAB 
is faster (at least for me) than shape+index, as well.


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