shapes to MySQL
Ker Nulov
kernu11 at YAHOO.COM
Fri Mar 3 10:10:25 PST 2006
Ohh, well, my shapefile 78 MB and it has 140,000
polygons. displaying 1km of zoom taks 1 sec, this is
too much for our application. I bet a query in MySQL
will be faster.
--- Attila Csipa <plists at> escribió:
> On Friday 03 March 2006 16:38, Ker Nulov wrote:
> > draw layers using MySQL access? I need it to
> improove
> > speed. My application uses mapscript with php.
> Shapefiles are likely the fastest storage for
> small/generic data, moving to
> mysql (or any other database for that matter) will
> probably not speed up
> things on itself unless you're really using some
> DBMS specific feature.
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