OGR Virtual problem with Where clause

James Perrins JamesP at ESDM.CO.UK
Thu Mar 30 05:56:45 PST 2006



I'm just experimenting with this - (just discovered it :-)) which looks

I'm calling from mapserver with the XML connection statement in the map file
(IIS5 + Mapserver 4.6.1)


I've been playing with MDB and SQL Server - both of which I can get to plot
points and polygons (with WKT)

In the examples below - KeyField is an Integer in the database and Name is a
text / nvarchar (50)


Plotting the whole layer works fine

<SrcSQL>SELECT * FROM TestPolygon</SrcSQL>


Using a filter on an integer field works fine 

<SrcSQL>SELECT * FROM TestPolygon WHERE KeyField=1</SrcSQL>


But I just can't get it to filter using any other sort of where clause -
specifically text string e.g.

<SrcSQL>SELECT * FROM TestPolygon WHERE Name="Cosh"</SrcSQL>


I've tried a variety of syntaxes but no success - everything I try returns
something like:

SQL statement failed, or returned no layer result:



Can anyone help me out ?

Have I got the syntax wrong - if so is there any doc that details this ?

Looking at others questions they seem to have it working - do I need to be
careful of build versions?


Many Thanks




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