How to edit your PostGIS data

Matthew Perry perrygeo at GMAIL.COM
Wed Mar 8 11:42:23 EST 2006


 CadCorp MapEditor can read/write postgis data and has a full CAD-like
vector editing toolkit.

 For open source solutions, try out the latest UDig release which has
a good set of editing tools. It's a little buggy but it works.
Certainly something to look forward to when 1.1 is released.


On 3/8/06, KevinC (UD) <kevinc at> wrote:
> On Mar03 Christian Wolf wrote:
> Since a lot of people are using Mapserver together with a PostGIS db I'm
> curious as how you maintain your data?
> It seems there are no Tools to visually add/delete/edit spacial data in a
> safe and reliable way. OpenJUMP, uDig, QGis, GDV Spatial Command, they all
> show data alright, but come editing, they all more or less fail.
> Is the only way to maintain your spatial data up to date by editing
> shapefiles (or similar) and importing them to the db?
> I'm just looking for a reliable way of users adding/modifying a line or
> splitting a polygon once in while.
> Do I really have to my own tool to access the db directly?
> How do YOU handle this? I'm sure I'm not the only one with these tasks at
> hand
> ****************************************************************************
> There were no replies to the List.  Does anyone have any public help here?

Matt Perry
perrygeo at

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