DMSolutions CanMap

Jeff McKenna jmckenna at DMSOLUTIONS.CA
Fri Mar 10 07:40:33 EST 2006

we thank you for your compliments.

In terms of cartography - yes it really is just shapefiles - shp2tiled, 
tile4ms, indexed, and styled by hand in a mapfile.  No tricks or fancy 
software (other than mapserver and mapserv/GDAL/shp2tile commandline 

In terms of application functionality - as Bart mentioned, ka-Map.


Luiz Vaz wrote:
> Hi All,
>    Does anyone know, what DMSolutions used to build the cartographic
> styling CanMap
>    at ?
>    It´s really beautiful! ;)
>    And remeber the maps of NavTeq and TeleAtlas...
>    My doubt is: was only used the shape data with a map file to draw
> it? Or DMSolutions use some other software to draw it by hand?
> Best Regards,
> Luiz Vaz

Jeff McKenna
DM Solutions Group Inc.

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