Simple flash viewer for MapServer available

Neil Saunders n.j.saunders at GMAIL.COM
Wed Mar 22 06:29:53 PST 2006

This is fantastic - Well Done!!

On 3/22/06, Edwin Wisse <wisse at> wrote:
> Today we have made a small, simple web mapping viewer available. It is
> called BeeldBlad (Dutch for "image sheet") and has been written in Adobe
> Flash. The aim was to make a simple and easy to configure viewer.
> The BeeldBlad viewer consists of a single flash file and can be
> downloaded free of charge from
> We have set up a simple demo with MapServer. Please feel free to try it.
> The interface should be fairly intuitive, instructions for use and
> installation are available.
> Best regards,
> Edwin Wisse
> --
> Edwin Wisse                    
> wisse at                               N 52 40'31.7" E 5 55'36.4"

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