Ka-map problems with Mapserver

Ben Crane crane_ba at YAHOO.COM
Wed Mar 29 04:51:36 EST 2006

Hi all,

I have some more problems running ka-map non
mapserver. I have installed ka-map under ms4w/apache/
and tried to get the index.html file running so I've
setup a web alias (using the hardcoded path to ka-map
directory where the index.html file is stored) but
still no joy. At this moment, I'm just trying to get
ka-map running from within ms4w. Mapserver registers
that ka-map is installed but I'm wondering if I've
installed it under the wrong path?

Can anyone tell me their default setup location for
k-map on win xp using apache2? All the documentation
on it says .../ka-map0.0.1 and I'm not sure I can
unpack it anywhere under ms4w/apache or whether it
needs to go in the apache/apps folder.


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