Defining simple symbols

Dave Stone D.Stone at ED.AC.UK
Tue Mar 14 09:37:54 PST 2006

I'm having no joy getting off the ground with a simple familiarisation
exercise -- today's headbanger is drawing dots! My layer is:

  LAYER # test query layer
    NAME          saint_dedications
    #CONNECTION    "user=erdb13 dbname=stdraft host=localhost port=5432"
    CONNECTION    "user=erdb13 dbname=stdraft"
    DATA          "geom from loccoords"
    STATUS        ON
    TYPE          POINT
      NAME        "locations"
        NAME      "circle"
        TYPE      ELLIPSE
        FILLED    TRUE
        POINTS    2 2 END
      COLOR       255 0 0
      OUTLINECOLOR 0 0 0

The data is being fetched OK from the database, because until I put the
SYMBOL definition in, the layer showed tiny red marks (which I want now to
replace with larger red dots). But all I get is:

getSymbol(): Symbol definition error. Parsing error near (NAME):(line 132)

on the line after SYMBOL. Can anyone tell me what's wrong please?

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