UTM Projection

wbr wbr at DETEMOBIL.DE
Fri Mar 31 03:56:21 EST 2006

Hi Dirk,

Dirk Jesko schrieb:
> Hi,
> if you specify the projection within the map file explicitly (not by
> epsg code) as Transverse Mercator ("proj=tmerc") and set the false
> easting (x_0 parameter) to 32500000 (?) it should work. Something like
> this probably
>        "proj=tmerc"
>        "lon_0=9.0"
>        "x_0=32500000" # maybe something else
>        "lat_0=0"
>        "y_0=0"
>        "ellps=wgs84"
>        "datum=wgs84"
>        "units=m"
>        "k_0=0.9996"
>        "no_defs"
>    END

it works !

> Let me know, if works.
> The other option would be to rewrite the GeoTIFF-Header using geotifcp.
> Regards,
> Dirk Jesko

Wolfgang Brungert
T-Mobile Deutschland GmbH
Program and Budget Management
Roddestr. 12
48153 Münster

Phone: +49 251 977 4142
Fax: +49 251 977 4149
email: wolfgang.brungert at t-mobile.de
PGP Fingerprint: B3F8 D368 5EEF 3873 3C4F 423C 171E F217 7CA4 3467

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