shapefile optimization for dynamic data

Ben Eisenbraun bene at KLATSCH.ORG
Mon Mar 27 15:07:17 PST 2006


I'm building a Mapserver application with dynamic data coming in every second, 
and I'm not sure how to organize the shapefiles for speediest access.

I'm collecting data via a GPS and a sensor that reports a data point once 
per second.  I'm using Mapserver CGI to generate an overlay onto a map via a 
javascript frontend that auto-refreshes every few seconds.  The application 
has to run on a low-power embedded hardware device (roughly a p2-266), and 
I'm running into performance problems once I've collected a few thousand 
data points.  The Mapserver CGI process tends to consume all the CPU trying 
to render the overlays.

Up to now, I've been using shpadd/dbfadd to add the data points to a single 
shapefile.  I've tried using shptree to index the shapefile, but under my
testing, it doesn't seem to speed up rendering time at all.  The largest a 
shapefile should ever get to be is about 25,000 data points; I'm not sure if 
that's large or small compared to other people's data.

I've thought about breaking up that single shapefile into multiple shapefiles 
of a given size, but I'm not sure if that would be a win for this type of 

Given that I'm constantly updating the source shapefile, what are my options
for optimizing it?

Thanks for any tips or pointers.


simplicity is the most difficult thing to secure in this world; it is the 
last limit of experience and the last effort of genius.     <george sand>

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