Assigning NODATA value to WCS output

Matthew Perry perrygeo at GMAIL.COM
Fri Mar 10 11:01:02 PST 2006

On 3/10/06, Frank Warmerdam <warmerdam at> wrote:
> There is currently no support in MapServer WCS for saving nodata values
> in files produced through a GDAL outputformat driver regardless of
> what is set in the input file.
> It would be pretty easy to add this as a FORMATOPTION in the outputformatobj.
> Not so easy to carry it from the source since WCS can be serving from
> several files and there is nowhere obvious to put it in the imageObj and
> related structures of mapserver.
> If a FORMATOPTION on the OUTPUTFORMAT object would satisfy your needs, then
> submit an enhancement request in bugzilla and I'll try to add it in 4.9.


 I think having it as a FORMATOPTION would be fine.. actually better
in some cases where you didn't want to gdal_translate your entire
dataset just to assign a nodata value.

Thanks for the help!
Matt Perry
perrygeo at

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