ECW SDK 3.3 libraries and sources

Fr édéric Mauro frederic.mauro at VEREMES.COM
Wed Mar 8 08:02:01 PST 2006

Hi list,

I recently had a problem with some ECW data (Mapserver crashes when the
scale is too big, for example 1/2000).

I use GDAL 1.3.1, compiled using the ecwsdk-3.1.25Jan05-linux.tar.tar
archive provided by Frank Warmerdam in January 2005.

I would like to re-compile GDAL using newer ECW libraries and sources. I
know I can get these resources in the last FWTools archive for linux, but I
am not really sure which files I must extract from it.

I guess the ECW libraries contained in the archive are :

What about the source files (*.h files) needed to compile GDAL ?


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