Street level data

Jeff McKenna jmckenna at DMSOLUTIONS.CA
Thu Mar 9 13:00:24 PST 2006

Hi Chip,

We offer optimized-for-mapserver data packages with TIGER (US) and DMTI 
(Canada).  We are also working on a world data package, as well as 
teleatlas data for mapserver (which would get the accuracy your boss is 
looking for probably)...however those are not available yet.

Here are some links:

US Streets product (TIGER):

DMTI (Canada data):

Stephen Woodbridge ( also offers a TIGER product.

hope that helps.


Chip Taylor wrote:
> Can anyone point me to a place to acquire (free or purchase) accurate street
> level data (and other types as well)?  I cannot seem to find data that has a
> level of accuracy that by boss is happy with.
> Chip Taylor
> Prepared Response, Inc

Jeff McKenna
DM Solutions Group Inc.

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