To All Users ! Check It !

Puneet Kishor punkish at EIDESIS.ORG
Fri Mar 24 04:36:52 PST 2006

On Mar 24, 2006, at 12:25 AM, M K Dey wrote:
>  Also I had posted two queries in the LIST but I have not got any 
> response. So Plz I will really appreciate to all those who will share 
> their views and experience.
>  My queries are---

Both your queries have answers in basic JavaScript techniques.

>  1) How to made the size of the final window in the browser a dynamic 
> one. Like user should select the window as 800*500 or 700*550 etc and 
> depending on the
> user choice the mapserver should built the size of the final window.
>  See for farthur 
> clarifications.

When the user chooses a Window size, that size is sent back to the 
server, along with other parameters. You replace the size declared in 
the .map file either programmatically (see your favorite 
language/MapScript documentation, or via the CGI).

> 2) How to get the Lat, Long information in the final map when a user 
> moves his/her mouse over the image in the browser?

As the user mouses over the image, the mouse coords are picked up, 
converted from screen pixels to geo coords, and dynamically updated in 
a form input field or a innerHTML div.

> Also is it possible to get all the datas from the dbf file along with 
> Lat, Long information, maybe in a separate popup window in the browser 
> ?

When the user clicks on a location, the coords are sent back to the 
server, the feature at that location is queried (programmatically or 
via the CGI), and a window is popped up to display the information.

Just download the source code of any of the apps you like (they are 
all, or should be, open source, and most creators of such apps will be 
glad to share them), read through it (hopefully they are well 
documented), and off you go.

Puneet Kishor

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