WCS & pseudocolor table

Shoaib Burq hydromap at GMAIL.COM
Tue Mar 7 05:38:24 PST 2006


As long as WCS runs in "raw mode", the original pixel values
> should be preserved.  Of course, we come full circle to the fact
> that rawmode does not currently support colortables.  There is no
> compelling reason it could not, but it isn't currently part of
> the raw mode data model.  I believe someone else has already created
> a bug report on that, though I'm not promising if/when it will be
> dealt with.

Ok, Thank. I'll also look at the code to try and contribute.

> Ah.  The problem is that MapServer uses PROJ.4 format as it's internal
> representation of coordinate systems, and it is very bad at identifying
> datums.  So when you say epsg:4283 it is internally expanded to:
>    +proj=longlat +ellps=GRS80 +towgs84=0,0,0,0,0,0,0 +no_defs
> When mapserver goes to write this to TIFF it is written as ellipsoid
> GRS80.
> You might want to file a bug on this.  It *might* be possible for me
> to find the epsg:n value in cases like this and generate a proper
> GeoTIFF definition based on that.  This isn't normally an issue in
> mapserver since it doesn't normally produced products with embedded
> coordinate systems.  WCS is somewhat special in this regard.

Strangely enough the i found that on one of my other installs of mapserver
(I belive it was the Feb-2006 release of MS4W) this problem didn't exist and
the Geotiff created by WCS request had the correct Coord Sys.  While my
current development server is running 'fgs' with the cvs head of mapserver
and its showing this problem. I'll do a few more tests though before filing
that bug.

Thanks for all your help on this issue thus far...

These issues are of general enough interest that I have taken the liberty
> of cc:ing my response back to the list.

I was thinking of doing that :)

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