Web application error
Pericles S. Nacionales
naci0002 at UMN.EDU
Fri Mar 31 11:04:47 PST 2006
Sorry wasn't paying attention. :)
I don't see a problem on quick look but try simplifying your layer (as a
test) and see if it works:
LAYER # query layer using the dedloc PostgreSQL view
NAME saint_dedications
CONNECTION "user=erdb13 dbname=stdraft"
DATA "geom from dedloc using unique dr using SRID=27700"
NAME "Dedications"
TEMPLATE "result.html"
SYMBOL "circle"
COLOR 255 0 0
END # test query layer
Note the lower case on the DATA parameter... I don't know if that's
still a problem. If that still doesn't work, check the PostGIS log (if
you have logging enabled)... Also, I don't know which version of
MapServer you're using. Try upgrading to 4.8.3 (or downgrading to
4.6.x). You can also do a search on bugzilla to see if there's any open
bugs that pertain to your problem.
Good luck!
Dave Stone wrote:
> The layer addressing the PostGIS view was in the original post, but in
> case the problem is elsewhere in the .map file, I've attached the whole
> thing. Also the uig.html template which displays the map. The query
> template (result.html) you have below. Thanks for your patience; I
> really appreciate your support.
> Cheers,
> Dave
> Pericles S. Nacionales wrote:
>> Dave,
>> Can you please post your mapfile or at least the object corresponding
>> to the layer you're querying? We can't answer your question without
>> the details.
>> -Perry
>> Dave Stone wrote:
>>> Apologies for emailing direct -- LISTSERV keeps rejecting my posts as
>>> duplicates.
>>> No joy so far, I'm afraid, Perry. You were right about the PostGIS
>>> names being upper-case, so I've
>>> changed them all to lower-case, and the result.html query template
>>> now looks like this:
>>> # query template
>>> <html>
>>> <head>
>>> <title>MapServer - ItemQuery</title>
>>> </head>
>>> <body bgcolor="#ffffff">
>>> <font size="+2" face="arial,helvetica"><b>Case 1: Simple ItemQuery
>>> With QueryMap</b></font>
>>> <p>
>>> This is just a simple dump of a few attributes for an individual
>>> location
>>> in the test suites parishes layer:
>>> <p>
>>> <b>Place Name:</b> [placename]<br>
>>> <b>Qualifying Name:</b> [qualifyingname]<br>
>>> <b>Location Type:</b> [locationtype]<br>
>>> <b>Grid Reference:</b> [locationgridref]<br>
>>> <b>Religious Order:</b> [religiousorder]<br>
>>> <p>
>>> and here's the map of the query results (you can zoom to a set of
>>> results as well):
>>> <p>
>>> </body>
>>> </html>
>>> I had TOLERANCE set to 5 (pixels) for the PostGIS layer originally,
>>> and tried upping it to 25 in
>>> hope that it would make it easier to 'hit the spot' when clicking on
>>> the dots on the map. But no
>>> output -- just a blank page titled 'MapServer Message'.
>>> I also tried setting DEBUG ON for the layer and class objects, but
>>> there wasn't anything significant
>>> in the log file, just some map extent parameters.
>>> Thanks for the pointer to the 'flashy' mapfile reference; there's
>>> some useful examples in there.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Dave
>>> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Pericles S. Nacionales"
>>> <naci0002 at umn.edu>
>>> To: "Dave Stone" <D.Stone at ed.ac.uk>
>>> Cc: <MAPSERVER-USERS at lists.umn.edu>
>>> Sent: Monday, March 27, 2006 6:25 PM
>>> Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Web application error
>>>> Dave,
>>>> What does your result.html query template look like? Did you
>>>> capitalize all
>>>> the attribute names (as in "[ATT_NAME]")? If so, make them small
>>>> caps for
>>>> PostGIS tables--[att_name].
>>>> Also, here's another hint: Use the TOLERANCE keyword...
>>>> http://mapserver.gis.umn.edu/docs/reference/mapfile/layer
>>>> Or if you prefer a fancier mapfile reference, check
>>>> http://umn.mapserver.ch/index_en.php
>>>> Good luck!
>>>> -Perry
>>>> On Monday 27 March 2006 08:07, Dave Stone wrote:
>>>>> I am having problems adapting the class-level query template
>>>>> technique in
>>>>> Example 3.1 of the MapServer Tutorial.
>>>>> Essentially, I want to do as the tutorial example does, i.e. be
>>>>> able to
>>>>> click on a point feature on the map, and have a query template open
>>>>> up and
>>>>> display attributes for the point.
>>>>> The only significant difference between my setup and the example's
>>>>> (that I
>>>>> can see) is that the example queries a layer (cities) whose data
>>>>> source is
>>>>> a shapefile containing polygons, whereas my source is points in a
>>>>> PostGIS
>>>>> view (dedloc). The .map file segment for the layer is:
>>>>> LAYER # query layer using the dedloc PostgreSQL view
>>>>> CONNECTIONTYPE postgis
>>>>> NAME saint_dedications
>>>>> CONNECTION "user=erdb13 dbname=stdraft"
>>>>> DATA "geom from dedloc USING UNIQUE dr USING SRID=27700"
>>>>> DEBUG ON
>>>>> FILTERITEM dedicationtype
>>>>> FILTER "dedicationtype='%dtype%'"
>>>>> CLASS
>>>>> NAME "Dedications"
>>>>> MINSCALE 2000000
>>>>> TEMPLATE "result.html"
>>>>> STYLE
>>>>> SYMBOL "circle"
>>>>> SIZE 5
>>>>> COLOR 255 0 0
>>>>> OUTLINECOLOR 0 0 0
>>>>> END
>>>>> END
>>>>> CLASS
>>>>> MAXSCALE 1900000
>>>>> TEMPLATE "result.html"
>>>>> STYLE
>>>>> SYMBOL "circle"
>>>>> SIZE 10
>>>>> COLOR 255 0 0
>>>>> OUTLINECOLOR 0 0 0
>>>>> END
>>>>> END
>>>>> END # test query layer
>>>>> and the URL invoking the query template is:
>>>>> http://drayton.ucs.ed.ac.uk/cgi-bin/mapserv?imgxy=300.0+300.0&
>>>>> imgext=217114.636666+624099.796666+387452.636666+794437.796666&
>>>>> map=%2Fvar%2Fwww%2Fhtml%2Fsaints%2Fdata%2Fparish%2Fuig.map&
>>>>> savequery=true&mode=browse&img.x=320&img.y=271&zoomdir=0&zoomsize=4&
>>>>> layer=parish_labels&layer=parish&layer=saint_dedications&mode=query&
>>>>> dtype=Altar+dedication
>>>>> What I get when I click on a dot on the map displaying
>>>>> saint_dedications is
>>>>> a web page headed 'MapServer Message', but then no message, no
>>>>> attributes
>>>>> for the dot I clicked, nothing!
>>>>> Can anyone suggest what might be going wrong? The query template
>>>>> (result.html) is very simple; like Example 3.1, it just displays
>>>>> boilerplate HTML and attribute values for the dot that was clicked.
>>>> --
>>>> Pericles S. Nacionales
>>>> Conservation Biology Program
>>>> University of Minnesota
>>>> e-mail: naci0002 at umn.edu
>>> .
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