WMS client/cascading wms bounding box problem

Robert William Jones xbobwjones at HOTMAIL.COM
Mon May 8 03:30:14 PDT 2006

Thanks for your reply Bart.  I should have mentioned - I've already tried 
pretty much all combinations of upper and lower case for the projection with 
little effect!

It appears that MapServer increases the bounding box slightly compared to 
the original bbox.  Does anyone know why this might be i.e. is it 
intentional to request a slightly larger bbox?

Something unrelated to my problem but which I guess I should mention - it 
appears that the projection is not submitted as uppercase in the GetMap 
request made by MapServer, even when the projection is uppercase in the 
original request made to MapServer.

Finally - has anyone else had trouble posting to the list via the web 
interface?  I keep getting emails saying the posting is a duplicate when I 


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