PHP/MapScript msQueryByPoint

listuser HH listuser at HERZSYS.DE
Tue May 9 23:47:32 PDT 2006

DjwStone wrote:

>Thanks for the tip, Didrik. However, I'm still befogged. My query has
>returned 1 result (according to $mylayer->getNumResults()). I can use
>$mylayer->getResult() to give me a resultCacheMemberObj apparently, but what
>can I do with that? What are these shape, tile, and class indexes?
>Should I be using queryByPoint in the first place?
>I need a cold compress (or a stiff whisky).
>View this message in context:
>Sent from the Mapserver - User forum at

you have to:

1. get a layer
2. open the layer
3. get a feature from the layer with shape- and tileindex
4. get a value from the feature (loop through with the numvalues)
5. close the layer



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