Variable substutition on CONNECTIONTYPE OGR CONNECTION OGRVRTDatasource (odbc)

Huub Fleuren hfl at HOME.NL
Sun May 14 12:34:58 EDT 2006

Hi List,

Something changed, but what is it.

I'm using somthing like the following, so a ODBC datasource for a 
OGRVRTLayer with variable substitution for the CONNECTION statement.
This works for me since i first used it in mapserv version 4.2.

I compiled gdal 1.3.2 as i normally do; with Xerces, 2.7 this time.
ogrinfo works on a similar ovf file without variable substutution.

If i get something in the log file (this is not always the case) on this 
layer it is:
    msDrawMap(): Image handling error. Failed to draw layer named 
    msOGRFileNextShape(): OGR error. SetAttributeFilter() not supported 
on ExecuteSQL() results.

Does this mean that variable substitution is no longer supported here? I 
just want to make sure if it still is.

                    <OGRVRTLayer name='wwall'>
                        <SrcDataSource>ODBC:admin/admin at db</SrcDataSource>
                        <SrcSQL>SELECT * FROM wwall WHERE (x &gt; 
%xmin%) and (x &lt; %xmax%) and (y &gt; %ymin%) and (y &lt; %ymax%) 
                        <GeometryField encoding='PointFromColumns' x='x' 

What is the reason why this construction does not return the selected 
points anymore?

Regards, Huub

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