dBox alpha

Steve Lime Steve.Lime at DNR.STATE.MN.US
Mon May 15 10:04:05 PDT 2006

Hey Brent: First, the fishing. Caught one walleye and promptly performed 
at an involuntary catch and release. Bounced the sucker rigth of the pontoon

Anyway, to answer your questions:

1) No, I've not tried using dbox with absolutely positioned anchors. The use
of relatively positioned anchors was done in the first place to deal with browser 
problems reporting the pixel coordinates of the upper left-hand corner of
absolutely positioned elements. That's why you always see framed interfaces 
where the map can be positioned in the upper left-hand corner. I'll have to
set up a test to learn more. (Let me know if you find anything...)

2) It's still there. Instead of distributing a full verion of the X library we built
a custom one that contains just what we need.


>>> "Brent Lund" <Brent.Lund at state.mn.us> 5/12/2006 3:07 PM >>>

1)  Have you used the dbox toolkit in conjunction with things like
position: absolute and z-index:2  ...?    When I added these to my
html/css, I found that firefox got messed up (mouseover etc did not
work), IE kind of works - (mouseover worked and able to zoom in, but box
not drawn when selecting zoom area). I know that dbox and dcontainer set
position to absolute, so there is a conflict between the scripts and my
stylesheet.    I'm currently picking through the scripts to see what I
can figure out - any suggestions?

2)  What happened to the cross-browsers.com stuff (just curious)?

Catch a big walleye,


-----Original Message-----
From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at lists.umn.edu] On
Behalf Of Steve Lime
Sent: Wednesday, May 10, 2006 3:05 PM
To: MAPSERVER-USERS at lists.umn.edu 
Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] dBox alpha

Hi folks: We've taken the time to clean up and document the code behind
the Landview application that folks might be familiar with and have an
"alpha" release available. You can get at it at:


The code itself is in good shape and much of it has been in production
use for years. The packaging, install instructions and such are brand
new so bear with us.

Anyway, the distribution comes with an example interface using the
Itasca data from one of the main demos. You can see it running on our
servers at:


Hopefully someone will find this useful...


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