Feature Selection/Get Info

Steve Lime Steve.Lime at DNR.STATE.MN.US
Tue May 16 15:43:29 EDT 2006

Hi Bill: Sounds like you're very close. Pasting in the layer def for parcels might help us diagnose 
some possible problems. 

The item tags are case sensitive and must match what's in the datasource exactly. For
shaefiles that's typically all upper case but I have run into .dbf files with mixed case names.
I'd check the actual names to make sure those match the tags you're using.


>>> rubydunes <rubydunes at YAHOO.COM> 5/16/2006 2:14:02 PM >>>
Hey folks.  I've tried everything and can't get a
selection / get info tool to work.  I set the MODE to
QUERY and then click on a feature and it goes to the
template for the layer as it should, but all I see are
the field tags and not the information that should
replace them.

For example, if I click on a Parcel, the browser goes
to Parcel.html (the template) but all I see is this:



I must be missing an important step that sends these
valuse to the template file.  Right now it's like it's
just opening the file.

Any ideas?  Thanks!!!


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