Help needed in ImageMap Mouseover

P Kishor punkish at EIDESIS.ORG
Thu May 25 07:02:24 PDT 2006

This has nothing to do with your specific query, but contains a helpful hint --

On 5/25/06, Pratap <dwija_dey at> wrote:
>  Hi
>    List and Steve Lime
> Plz. donot ignore this message.

No one "ignores" anyone's message (unless that person is obnoxious or
a general pain in the you-know-where). But, do realize that this is a
free email list, and all are asking and answering questions because of
nothing but the love of the technology they are using. No other

Be patient, post again, and again, and again, if required. Someone
will pick it up and answer.

Asking folks to not ignore your message is the surest way to have it
ignored. And, no one specific person (by name) from the list will
answer -- basically, someone will see a question, know the answer or
have a suggestion, and will try to help. That's it. No more to it.

Puneet Kishor <>
Nelson Inst. for Env. Studies, UW-Madison <>
Open Source Geospatial Foundation <>

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