Cannot change DATA object
Steve Lime
Steve.Lime at DNR.STATE.MN.US
Thu May 25 10:48:43 PDT 2006
Jason: There's a security hobble that by default won't allow you to change the DATA
parameter. However, you can set the DATAPATTERN (see docs) parameter in your
mapfile to allow this. It's basically a regex of allowable files.
>>> "Sievers, Jason" <jsievers at CO.LINN.OR.US> 5/25/2006 11:58:16 AM >>>
I am using version 4.8.3 of MapServer's CGI program. I wish to change the
DATA object in a map file on the fly (via JavaScript). I am able to change
objects like MINSCALE, MAXSCALE, TYPE, etc. with the syntax
&MAP_layername_object=myvalue. However I cannot change the DATA object and
am not sure why. Please let me know your thoughts.
Jason Sievers
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