Create a TrueType Font

Steve Lime Steve.Lime at DNR.STATE.MN.US
Tue May 30 17:39:40 PDT 2006

Search Google for a package called FontCreator. It's shareware and reasonably priced considering what it does (under $100.00). I was screwing around with it today and really liked it.


>>> listuser HH <listuser at HERZSYS.DE> 05/30/06 2:02 AM >>>
Christian Wilmes wrote:

>Hi All,
>has anybody an Idea how I could create my own TrueType Font. I've got already some images which I would like to use for that. It's for using LABELANGLEITEM to rotate a symbol from point-data.
>Best Regards

if you have corel draw you can use it to create true type fonts. I think 
this is possible since version 5 - if I remember correctly.

I can give you a short documentation how to do this but I only have this 
in german. If you are interested let me know.



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