
Tyler Mitchell tylermitchell at SHAW.CA
Fri Nov 3 18:25:39 EST 2006

Is anyone already implementing this?  I assume someone has written  
some transformers to help make a transition to XML-based map files.

QGIS has a python script for converting from QGIS project files   
(XML) into MapServer map files.  Perhaps there are already some well- 
used XML formats that we can simply use?  Perhaps no one cares,  
that's fine too ;)


On 2-Nov-06, at 1:47 PM, Joe Bussell wrote:

> Old idea, with lots of history.  Troll the history of this group  
> for an interesting tour of various opinions on this matter.
> Joe Bussell
> siva wrote:
>> hello
>> i think in future mapserver map file be xml file
>> sincerely
>> sshekar

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