November 2006 Archives by author
Starting: Wed Nov 1 01:27:19 PST 2006
Ending: Thu Nov 30 23:24:36 PST 2006
Messages: 459
- Too Many Symbols
Bart van den Eijnden (OSGIS)
- CLASS NAME from attribute table?
Bart van den Eijnden (OSGIS)
- AJAX for panning
Bart van den Eijnden (OSGIS)
- WFS Problems
Bart van den Eijnden (OSGIS)
- Too Many Symbols
Till Adams
- getFilter() & setFilter() with PHP Mapscript
Andreas Albarello
- ODBC and WKT
Jeppe Lund Andersen
- build
Jeppe Lund Andersen
- upgrading WKT error
Jeppe Lund Andersen
- [Fwd: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] [Fwd: Re: mapserv stdout png problem]]
Hubert Asamer
- SVG-Legend
Yewondwossen Assefa
- SVG-Legend
Yewondwossen Assefa
- SVG-Legend
Yewondwossen Assefa
- Configureing mapserver in someone else server {Scanned} {Scanned}
Norman Barker
- Stumped
Bob Basques
- Add point to MySQL database
Chris Beaart
- Image Map - no picture
Kai Behncke
- AJAX for panning
Kai Behncke
- Image Map - no picture
Kai Behncke
- Logical Expressions
Kai Behncke
- construction of cartographic symbols
Kai Behncke
- Issue with Mapscript in Java
Jean-Henry Berevoescu
- Installing older version
Steve Berg
- PHP/MapScript Multi-Language Labels
Graham Berry
- Label Wrapping
Sacha Black
- offset and angle for point data?
- problems with zoom / layers
- problems with zoom / layers
- problems with zoom / layers
- problems with zoom / layers
- compile problems -- mapserv with postgis support
Siegfried Blank
- One-to-many attribute queries
Wim Blanken
- Mapserver WMS ECW Datasource(s)
Ken Boss
- modify info window in dbox for ms4w
Ken Boss
- dbox legend in ms4w
Ken Boss
- getFilter() & setFilter() with PHP Mapscript
Armin Burger
- PHP Mapscript OwsRequestObj & loadparams()
Armin Burger
- AW: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Logical Expressions
Armin Burger
- newbie: trouble building mapserver
Armin Burger
- idea
Joe Bussell
- python mapscript segfault
Howard Butler
- website down?
Howard Butler
- SIZEITEM howto ?
Stéphane COLZY
- SIZEITEM howto ?
Stéphane COLZY
- SIZEITEM howto ?
Stéphane COLZY
- SIZEITEM howto ?
Stéphane COLZY
- TR: orthographic projection
Stéphane COLZY
- (intermittent) poor text quality on ANNOTATION layers
Lester Caine
- python mapscript segfault
John Cartwright
- generating images in a CGI using mapscript
John Cartwright
- Mapserver goes in Gentoo Portage
Luca Casagrande
- postgis views?
Paolo Cavallini
- postgis views?
Paolo Cavallini
- Label collision trouble
Bruce Cheney
- Label collision trouble
Bruce Cheney
- Label collision trouble
Bruce Cheney
- Partial TEXT labelling
Ujjwal Chowdhury
- jbox - map image problem
- fid in WFS Client (query templates)
Miguel Coladas
- Mapserver+PostGIS+Charset encoding problems
Marc Compte
- Mapserver in a cluster
Salvatore Cozzolongo
- Ruby mapscript oddness
The Cunctator
- Ruby mapscript oddness
The Cunctator
- Ruby mapscript oddness
The Cunctator
- problem with MapServer global projection
John Daly
- problem with MapServer global projection
John Daly
- constant for labelitem
Graham Davis
- Bentley Redline
Jeff Dege
- One-to-many attribute queries
Gambin Dejan
- Oracle attribute query
Gambin Dejan
- Combination Apache + Php Problems
Delfos, Jacob
- Combination Apache + Php Problems
Delfos, Jacob
- Combination Apache + Php Problems
Delfos, Jacob
- Question on Javascript Pan not Working
Delfos, Jacob
- projection confusion...
Mark Dieterich
- mapserver ebuild for gentoo
Pavel Dobe_
- LABEL BUFFER question
Paul Dugas
- offset and angle for point data?
Paul Dugas
- mapserver 4.10 compiled?
Eijnden, Bart van den (AGI)
- Scale units
Eijnden, Bart van den (AGI)
- Display raster at 'actual' size
Martijn van Exel
- Online WMS-viewer for use with MapServer
- SIZEITEM howto ?
Fawcett, David
- SIZEITEM howto ?
Fawcett, David
- Transparent Layer Question?
Fawcett, David
- Merging data sources And blocking out sections
Fawcett, David
- FW: Info on MapServer
Fawcett, David
- inline features with python mapscript
Fawcett, David
- inline features with python mapscript
Fawcett, David
- Raster tile indexing in PostGIS
Fawcett, David
- Label collision trouble
Fawcett, David
- check for adobe reader
Kevin Flanders
- Display coordinate upon a mouse click or duing mouse dragging
Andy Freed
- Style Symbol Problem
Peter Freimuth
- Style Symbol Problem
Peter Freimuth
- bug 1964 : queryByAttributes and postGIS
- DM solutions scale break units
Matthew Ganz
- minscale/maxscale values
Matthew Ganz
- Legend in SVG
Miklos Geyer
- SVG-Legend
Miklos Geyer
- SVG-Legend
Miklos Geyer
- SVG-Legend
Miklos Geyer
- new Layer with PHP/mapscript
Miklos Geyer
- postgis views?
Pietro Giannini
- python mapscript segfault
Sean Gillies
- Problem with layer
- space of characters in labels
Nuria González
- construction of cartographic symbols
Nuria González
- dbox imagepath, imageurl
Richard Greenwood
- Stumped
Richard Greenwood
- mapping query results
Richard Greenwood
- python mapscript with IIS
Richard Greenwood
- python mapscript with IIS
Richard Greenwood
- jBox Queryby Rect performance
Richard Greenwood
- dbox legend question
Richard Greenwood
- dBox map multiple results with itemnquery
Richard Greenwood
- dBox map multiple results with itemnquery
Richard Greenwood
- savequery with PostGIS?
Richard Greenwood
- dbox legend question
Richard Greenwood
- savequery with PostGIS?
Richard Greenwood
- postgis with itemnquery
Richard Greenwood
- postgis with itemnquery
Richard Greenwood
- PHP Mapscript connection to PostGIS
Sean Grimland
- dgn annotation
- Limiting the viewable extent...
Steve Hall
- construction of cartographic symbols
Flavio Hendry
- Mapserver in a cluster
Daryl Herzmann
- Blank images with mapscript in redhat enterprise 4
José Vicente Higon
- php-mapscript w/ ogr ovt tables
Stephan Holl
- php_mapscript problem, which is not present in cgi-mode
Stephan Holl
- Mapserver WMS ECW Datasource(s)
Andrew Hughes
- newbie: trouble building mapserver
Paul Hussein
- newbie: trouble building mapserver
Paul Hussein
- FW: Info on MapServer
myunghwa Hwang
- Failed in dynamic adding classes
myunghwa Hwang
- Oracle spatial query
- Oracle spatial query
- split two labels
Humberto Cereser Ibanez
- split two labels
Humberto Cereser Ibanez
- Mapserver+PostGIS+Charset encoding problems
Humberto Cereser Ibanez
- freetype error for curved label (solve)
Yves Jacolin
- raster projector
Yves Jacolin
- newbie: trouble building mapserver
Yves Jacolin
- idea
Sandeep Kumar Jakkaraju
- php mapscript error
Kipp Jones
- php mapscript error
Kipp Jones
- php mapscript error
Kipp Jones
- Benchmarks about LUT colour correction and JPEG2000 drivers
Rahkonen Jukka
- AW: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Logical Expressions
Rahkonen Jukka
- Style Symbol Problem
Rahkonen Jukka
- I need the ability to be able to display ECW and JPEG2000 format files within MapServer via a Community Mapbuilder client which sends WMS requests for the images to MapServer
Rahkonen Jukka
- Pb with "ANGLE FOLLOW" function
- Pb with "ANGLE FOLLOW" function
- help: getInteger(): Symbol definition error. Parsing error near ():(line 138)
Janeks Kamerovskis
- Combination Apache + Php Problems
Karin Kampitsch
- Problems with Displaying a Map (PHPMapScript)
Karin Kampitsch
- Actual location of True Type font files for fonts in Font Suitcases under Mac OS X 10.4.
Keith Kaneda
- Error loading PHPMapScript 4.10.0 - undefined symbol: __gcov_merge_add
Eduardo Patto Kanegae
- foss-GIS rpm's for Fedora 5
Eduardo Patto Kanegae
- ODBC for SQL Server 2000 not working
Eduardo Patto Kanegae
- MapServer supports MS-SQL 2005 {was:: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Spatial Extensions for SQL Server 2005}
Eduardo Patto Kanegae
- Shapefile classification by attribute
D. Eric Keefauver
- Logical Expressions
D. Eric Keefauver
- Question to SLD-Tutorial
Reinhard Keltermann
- Conference attendance?
Dylan Keon
- static and dynamic text mixed in labels
Dylan Keon
- Label collision trouble
Dylan Keon
- FW: Info on MapServer
P Kishor
- Binaries for 64-Bit Windows 2003
Tobias Knoetzele
- Configureing mapserver in someone else server
Kralidis,Tom [Burlington]
- geos Bufferring mapserver 4.10
Kralidis,Tom [Burlington]
- MS4W and Perl Mapscript
Kralidis,Tom [Burlington]
- website down?
Kralidis,Tom [Burlington]
- mapscript distanceToShape details
Kralidis,Tom [Burlington]
- SOS GetObservation
Kralidis,Tom [Burlington]
- *****SPAM***** Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] SOS GetObservation
Kralidis,Tom [Burlington]
- php mapscript error
William Kyngesburye
- php mapscript error
William Kyngesburye
- php mapscript error
William Kyngesburye
- Actual location of True Type font files for fonts in Font Suitcases under Mac OS X 10.4.
William Kyngesburye
- python mapscript segfault
William Kyngesburye
- MapScript for PHP5/Mac OS X
William Kyngesburye
- Personal geodatabase layer not working.
William Kyngesburye
- Personal geodatabase layer not working.
William Kyngesburye
- help: getInteger(): Symbol definition error. Parsing error near ():(line 138)
Barend Köbben
- Compiling mapscript-csharp on Linux
Mike Leahy
- Compiling mapscript-csharp on Linux
Mike Leahy
- Compiling mapscript-csharp on Linux [solved]
Mike Leahy
- Feature-level 5.0?
Mike Leahy
- jBox Queryby Rect performance
John Li
- CGI or Mapscript
Steve Lime
- SIZEITEM howto ?
Steve Lime
- SIZEITEM howto ?
Steve Lime
- no output for web template with 4.10 cgi
Steve Lime
- no output for web template with 4.10 cgi
Steve Lime
- dBox howto ?
Steve Lime
- help: getInteger(): Symbol definition error. Parsing error near ():(line 138)
Steve Lime
- itemquery by cgi mapserver (2nd-p)
Steve Lime
- limiting layer visibility by extent
Steve Lime
- (intermittent) poor text quality on ANNOTATION layers
Steve Lime
- CLASS NAME from attribute table?
Steve Lime
- (intermittent) poor text quality on ANNOTATION layers
Steve Lime
- Image Map - no picture
Steve Lime
- savequery with PostGIS?
Steve Lime
- Ruby mapscript oddness
Steve Lime
- Ruby mapscript oddness
Steve Lime
- Pb with "ANGLE FOLLOW" function
Steve Lime
- Mapserver 4.10 configure bug?
Steve Lime
- Mapserver goes in Gentoo Portage
Steve Lime
- Converting values returned my mapserver
Steve Lime
- minscale/maxscale values
Steve Lime
- bug 1964 : queryByAttributes and postGIS
Steve Lime
- Static JPEG/PNG image creation from MapServer
Andre Lockhart
- filter rectangle
Gail Long
- MS4W and Perl Mapscript
- write coordinates into SQL Server
David Lowther
- ovf query error
Greg Luker
- Blank Image OracleSpatial
José Ramón López
- Blank Image OracleSpatial
José Ramón López
- Blank Image OracleSpatial
José Ramón López
- Fwd: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Blank Image OracleSpatial
José Ramón López
- Blank Image OracleSpatial
José Ramón López
- WFS Problems
José Ramón López
- Identifying a size-scaled symbol point
Luca Manganelli
- converting a .map file into php mapscript
- no output for web template with 4.10 cgi
- wrong extents
- Issue with Mapscript in Java
Francesco Martinelli
- INCLUDE not working
Jeff McKenna
- Too Many Symbols
Jeff McKenna
- postgis views?
Jeff McKenna
- MS4W and Perl Mapscript
Jeff McKenna
- minscale/maxscale values
Ed McNierney
- Configureing mapserver in someone else server
Pedro Meneses
- Configureing mapserver in someone else server
Pedro Meneses
- Problems with mapserver and oblique projections
Trond Michelsen
- Problems with mapserver and oblique projections
Trond Michelsen
- I need the ability to be able to display ECW and JPEG2000 format files within MapServer via a Community Mapbuilder client which sends WMS requests for the images to MapServer
John Mitchell
- I need the ability to be able to display ECW and JPEG2000 format files within MapServer via a Community Mapbuilder client which sends WMS requests for the images to MapServer
John Mitchell
- I need the ability to be able to display ECW and JPEG2000 format files within MapServer via a Community Mapbuilder client which sends WMS requests for the images to MapServer
John Mitchell
- I need the ability to be able to display ECW and JPEG2000 format files within MapServer via a Community Mapbuilder client which sends WMS requests for the images to MapServer
John Mitchell
- I need the ability to be able to display ECW and JPEG2000 format files within MapServer via a Community Mapbuilder client which sends WMS requests for the images to MapServer
John Mitchell
- I need the ability to be able to display ECW and JPEG2000 format files within MapServer via a Community Mapbuilder client which sends WMS requests for the images to MapServer
John Mitchell
- I need the ability to be able to display ECW and JPEG2000 format files within MapServer via a Community Mapbuilder client which sends WMS requests for the images to MapServer
John Mitchell
- idea
Tyler Mitchell
- Personal geodatabase layer not working.
Paul Moen
- Personal geodatabase layer not working.
Paul Moen
- Personal geodatabase layer not working.
Paul Moen
- Merging data sources And blocking out sections
Jason R. Moore
- Blank images with mapscript in redhat enterprise 4
Daniel Morissette
- no output for web template with 4.10 cgi
Daniel Morissette
- Question about DEBUG ON
Daniel Morissette
- Static JPEG/PNG image creation from MapServer
Gregor Mosheh
- Logical Expressions
Gregor Mosheh
- compile problems -- mapserv with postgis support
Gregor Mosheh
- compile problems -- mapserv with postgis support
Gregor Mosheh
- how to use pictures as labels
Hal Mueller
- how to use pictures as labels
Hal Mueller
- (intermittent) poor text quality on ANNOTATION layers
Hal Mueller
- (intermittent) poor text quality on ANNOTATION layers
Hal Mueller
- (intermittent) poor text quality on ANNOTATION layers
Hal Mueller
- (intermittent) poor text quality on ANNOTATION layers
Hal Mueller
- Static JPEG/PNG image creation from MapServer
Hal Mueller
- Springer Encyclopedia of GIS, UMN entry
Andreas Neumann
- python mapscript segfault
Umberto Nicoletti
- python mapscript segfault
Umberto Nicoletti
- Too Many Symbols
Leonardo Olivieri
- ovf query error
Pagurek,Debbie [NCR]
- ovf query error
Pagurek,Debbie [NCR]
- Problems with Displaying a Map (PHPMapScript)
Pagurek,Debbie [NCR]
- no output for web template with 4.10 cgi
J. Parapar
- no output for web template with 4.10 cgi
J. Parapar
- UTF8 PostGIS tables and labelitem
Alessandro Pasotti
- How to stop raster layer being manipulated?
Dave Pearson
- Latlong in, tmerc OSGB36 out?
Dave Pearson
- Rectangular abels with border and rounded corners?
Dave Pearson
- Stumped
Mark Peil
- Shapefile classification by attribute
Matthew Perry
- MS4W and Perl Mapscript
Matt Pettis
- MS4W and Perl Mapscript
Matt Pettis
- postgis views?
Bjoern Platzen
- php mapscript error
Aaron Racicot
- php mapscript error
Aaron Racicot
- Raster tile indexing in PostGIS
Paul Ramsey
- where to find county/block group shape files clipped to shoreline?
- installation questions
- Oracle-Spatial: Crash
Benedikt Rothe
- Oracle-Spatial: Crash
Benedikt Rothe
- Antwort: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Blank Image OracleSpatial
Benedikt Rothe
- Adding Dynamic polygon using PHP Mapscript?
Zygmunt Rynduch
- Style Symbol Problem
René F. Viancos S.
- Style Symbol Problem
René F. Viancos S.
- WMS GetFeatureInfo on joined PostGIS layer
Michael Schulz
- WMS GetFeatureInfo on joined PostGIS layer
Michael Schulz
- postgis views?
Michael Schulz
- split two labels
Michael Schulz
- AJAX for panning
Sven Schulz
- Mapscript/Python setting featureID for WFS
Scott Schwab
- DrawQuery results in grey-colored map
Stefan Schwarzer
- AJAX for panning
Stefan Schwarzer
- AJAX for panning
Stefan Schwarzer
- WFS, FeatureQuery, & ResultSets
Shorthouse, David
- INCLUDE not working
Eric Shuman
- Spatial Joins
Eric Shuman
- jBox Queryby Rect performance
Fernando Simon
- Blank Image OracleSpatial
Fernando Simon
- Oracle spatial query
Fernando Simon
- Blank Image OracleSpatial
Fernando Simon
- Fwd: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Blank Image OracleSpatial
Fernando Simon
- Blank Image OracleSpatial
Fernando Simon
- Sudden death of mapserver appliation
Ben Sims
- SOLVED: Sudden death of mapserver appliation
Ben Sims
- CGI or Mapscript
John Smith
- raster projector
John Smith
- raster projector
John Smith
- RV: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] PhpMapScript reference map
Almudena Rueda Solache
- ogr and Oracle Spatial
Francesco Sozzi
- SOS GetObservation
- SOS GetObservation
- Too Many Symbols
Rafael Szajbel
- mapserv stdout png problem
Tamas Szekeres
- Compiling mapscript-csharp on Linux [solved]
Tamas Szekeres
- python mapscript segfault
Tamas Szekeres
- Raster tiling not working
Chip Taylor
- Raster tile indexing in PostGIS
Thy, Kristian
- Raster tile indexing in PostGIS
Thy, Kristian
- Raster tile indexing in PostGIS
Thy, Kristian
- Raster tile indexing in PostGIS
Thy, Kristian
- Scale units
Thy, Kristian
- Server error retrieving coverage via WCS
Vincent J. Troisi
- WCS return image naming
Ben Tuttle
- WCS data misregistered
Ben Tuttle
- problem with units in mapserver
Ben Tuttle
- problem with units in mapserver
Ben Tuttle
- Problem with PHP MapScript Wrappers for WxS Services
Ben Tuttle
- Problem with PHP MapScript Wrappers for WxS Services
Ben Tuttle
- Work around for WMS client url encoding?
Chris Tweedie
- SVG not working
Ernesto Vega
- Converting values returned my mapserver
Adrian Versteegen
- Converting values returned my mapserver
Adrian Versteegen
- Problem with PHP MapScript Wrappers for WxS Services
Graham Berry at Virgin
- Online WMS-viewer for use with MapServer
Steven De Vriendt
- FW: Info on MapServer
Frank Warmerdam
- Raster tiling not working
Frank Warmerdam
- Server error retrieving coverage via WCS
Frank Warmerdam
- Mapserver WMS ECW Datasource(s)
Frank Warmerdam
- problem with units in mapserver
Frank Warmerdam
- mapserver with fastcgi support
Frank Warmerdam
- ODBC and WKT
Frank Warmerdam
- Problems with mapserver and oblique projections
Frank Warmerdam
- raster projector
Frank Warmerdam
- ODBC for SQL Server 2000 not working
Frank Warmerdam
- ODBC for SQL Server 2000 not working
Frank Warmerdam
- Raster tile indexing in PostGIS
Frank Warmerdam
- Raster tile indexing in PostGIS
Frank Warmerdam
- Raster tile indexing in PostGIS
Frank Warmerdam
- I need the ability to be able to display ECW and JPEG2000 format files within MapServer via a Community Mapbuilder client which sends WMS requests for the images to MapServer
Frank Warmerdam
- I need the ability to be able to display ECW and JPEG2000 format files within MapServer via a Community Mapbuilder client which sends WMS requests for the images to MapServer
Frank Warmerdam
- I need the ability to be able to display ECW and JPEG2000 format files within MapServer via a Community Mapbuilder client which sends WMS requests for the images to MapServer
Frank Warmerdam
- Problem with PHP MapScript Wrappers for WxS Services
Frank Warmerdam
- WMS Help please
Frank Warmerdam
- Problem with PHP MapScript Wrappers for WxS Services
Frank Warmerdam
- Problem with PHP MapScript Wrappers for WxS Services
Frank Warmerdam
- Personal geodatabase layer not working.
Frank Warmerdam
- upgrading WKT error
Frank Warmerdam
- Personal geodatabase layer not working.
Frank Warmerdam
- TR: orthographic projection
Frank Warmerdam
- I need the ability to be able to display ECW and JPEG2000 format files within MapServer via a Community Mapbuilder client which sends WMS requests for the images to MapServer
Frank Warmerdam
- I need the ability to be able to display ECW and JPEG2000 format files within MapServer via a Community Mapbuilder client which sends WMS requests for the images to MapServer
Frank Warmerdam
- Problems using querymap with php/mapscript
Jim White
- ODBC for SQL Server 2000 not working
Steve White
- ODBC for SQL Server 2000 not working
Steve White
- ODBC for SQL Server 2000 not working
Steve White
- AW: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] WMS STYLES-Parameter and Mapserver 4.10
Arnd Wippermann
- AW: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Question to SLD-Tutorial
Arnd Wippermann
- Problems with mapserver and oblique projections
Arnd Wippermann
- AW: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Logical Expressions
Arnd Wippermann
- Online WMS-viewer for use with MapServer
Arnd Wippermann
- Mapserver 4.10 - WMS Request GetStyles
Arnd Wippermann
- postgis views?
Brent Wood
- Spatial Joins
Brent Wood
- Mapserver in a cluster
Stephen Woodbridge
- Mapserver in a cluster
Stephen Woodbridge
- FW: Info on MapServer
Stephen Woodbridge
- LABEL BUFFER question
Stephen Woodbridge
- AJAX for panning
Stephen Woodbridge
- AJAX for panning
Stephen Woodbridge
- Question about DEBUG ON
Stephen Woodbridge
- Question about DEBUG ON
Stephen Woodbridge
- Mapserver 4.10 configure bug?
Stephen Woodbridge
- WMS Help please
Stephen Woodbridge
- Mapserver 4.10 configure bug?
Stephen Woodbridge
- WMS Help please
Stephen Woodbridge
- WMS Help please
Stephen Woodbridge
- WMS Help please
Stephen Woodbridge
- WMS Help please
Stephen Woodbridge
- postgis with itemnquery
Stephen Woodbridge
- limiting layer visibility by extent
Benjamin Wragg
- limiting layer visibility by extent
Benjamin Wragg
- limiting layer visibility by extent
Benjamin Wragg
- Display coordinate upon a mouse click or duing mouse dragging
Xiaopeng Xiong
- Transparent Layer Question?
Sam Young
- modify info window in dbox for ms4w
Sam Young
- dbox legend in ms4w
Sam Young
- dbox legend question
Sam Young
- dbox legend question
Sam Young
- How to use MySQL Server with MyGIS?
- Too Many Symbols
Jacolin Yves
- problems with zoom / layers
Eduardo Zenaide
- problems with zoom / layers
Eduardo Zenaide
- problems with zoom / layers
Eduardo Zenaide
- problems with zoom / layers
Eduardo Zenaide
- problems with zoom / layers
Eduardo Zenaide
- problems with zoom / layers
Eduardo Zenaide
- Configureing mapserver in someone else server {Scanned} {Scanned}
Siki Zoltan
- Mapscript fedora 5
- no output for web template with 4.10 cgi
piero cavalieri
- no output for web template with 4.10 cgi
piero cavalieri
- no output for web template with 4.10 cgi
piero cavalieri
- no output for web template with 4.10 cgi
piero cavalieri
- no output for web template with 4.10 cgi; solved
piero cavalieri
- Spatial Extensions for SQL Server 2005
piero cavalieri
- Mapserver in a cluster
- Question on Javascript Pan not Working
- Adding Dynamic polygon using PHP Mapscript?
grabiel at
- Mapserver+PostGIS+Charset encoding problems
toni hernández
- You are now subscribed to the MAPSERVER-USERS list
- itemquery by cgi mapserver (2nd-p)
- geos Bufferring mapserver 4.10
abul khayer
- status embed scalebar not working
- Winkel Triple Projection WMS trouble
mark at
- dbox imagepath, imageurl
william paul
- mapserver 4.10 compiled?
william paul
- dbox imagepath, imageurl
william paul
- dbox imagepath, imageurl
william paul
- mapping query results
william paul
- how to use pictures as labels
william paul
- python mapscript with IIS
william paul
- mapscript error
william paul
- python mapscript with IIS
william paul
- python mapscript with IIS
william paul
- how to use pictures as labels
william paul
- ovf query error
william paul
- ovf query error
william paul
- ovf query error
william paul
- write coordinates into SQL Server
william paul
- Mapserver in a cluster
- geos Bufferring mapserver 4.10
- split two labels
- Conference attendance?
- problem with MapServer global projection
- Raster tile indexing in PostGIS
- static and dynamic text mixed in labels
- static and dynamic text mixed in labels
- mapserver with fastcgi support
kris rock
- mapserver with fastcgi support
kris rock
- idea
- check for adobe reader
- sld??
Last message date:
Thu Nov 30 23:24:36 PST 2006
Archived on: Mon Oct 7 06:01:47 PDT 2024
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).