postgis with itemnquery

Stephen Woodbridge woodbri at SWOODBRIDGE.COM
Wed Nov 29 09:23:19 EST 2006

I assume you already tried:


-Steve W

Richard Greenwood wrote:
> My query arguments seem to be getting cast to numeric values when I
> use postgis (but not when I use shape files). For example:
>   qitem=(mapnum=0009)
> seems to be interpreted as
>  mapnum=9
> I have tried escaping the value with no success. The "mapnum" column
> is a character field.
> So my questions:
> 1. Does anyone have suggestions for escaping the value, or
> constructing the query differently?
> 2. How can I log the actual query that is constructed and passed to 
> postgresql?
> 3. What .c file is used to process itemnquery for postgis?
> Thanks,
> Rich

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