RV: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] PhpMapScript reference map

Almudena Rueda Solache almudenarueda at INICIA.ES
Thu Nov 30 11:01:31 EST 2006

Hallo Murat

I´m having the same problem with the referenceMap. Have you find any solution?

Thanks in advance


-----Mensaje original-----
De: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU]En nombre
de Murat BEYHAN
Enviado el: jueves, 21 de septiembre de 2006 16:18
Asunto: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] PhpMapScript reference map

Dear Friends 
I have created map by following codes in Php.
I have also created reference map for my study.
But the outline box doesn't appear on the reference map.
What is the wrong with my code.
I have using gmap demo gmap.php.inc and gmap.php for develop my study.
the reference map on the map file as follows

    IMAGE ../mapdata/zone.png # The reference image
    SIZE 200 150 # The size of the reference image in pixels
#    EXTENT 201621.496941 -294488.285333 1425518.020722 498254.511514 #
extent of the reference image in map units
    EXTENT 26 35 45 43

    MINBOXSIZE 10 # How small can the reference box be before it gets drawn
a point, in pixels
    MAXBOXSIZE 150 # The maximum size of the reference box, in pixels
    COLOR -1 -1 -1 # The reference box fill color, negative numbers mean
    OUTLINECOLOR 0 255 255 # The reference box outline color
    MARKERSIZE 8 # The size of the point marker
    MARKER 'star' # The marker symbol

PHP codes are here...................................

function IsHtmlMode()
    GLOBAL $gbIsHtmlMode;
    return $gbIsHtmlMode;

if (strpos( ms_GetVersion(), "OUTPUT=GIF") > 0 )
  $gAppletImgFmt = MS_GIF;
  $gImagesFmt = MS_GIF;
  $gAppletImgFmt = MS_JPEG;
  $gImagesFmt = MS_PNG;

function GMapDrawKeyMap()
    GLOBAL      $map;
    GLOBAL $gAppletImgFmt, $gImagesFmt;
 $map = ms_newMapObj($map_path."zone.map");
 $imgref = $map->drawreferencemap();
 $urlref = $imgref->saveWebImage($gImagesFmt, 0, 0, -1);

 $map->setExtent($nMinX, $nMinY, $nMaxX, $nMaxY); 

//$gpoMap = ms_newMapObj("gmap75_key.map");

/* --------------------------------------------------------------------
/*      extents set in the .map file.                                  
/*      max extents are 10% of the map.                                
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------
  print "   <HTML>
  <table border = '1'>
  <tr><td >
      <IMG SRC=$image_url></td>
	<IMG width='350' height='260' SRC=$urlref>

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