WMS Help please

Frank Warmerdam warmerdam at POBOX.COM
Tue Nov 28 02:05:14 EST 2006

Stephen Woodbridge wrote:
> 2) then mapserver crashed trying to process the png RGBA wms image into 
> map image.
> 3) So I tried jpeg format and it responded with:
> msDrawMap(): WMS connection error. Failed to draw WMS layer named 
> 'global_landsat'. This most likely happened because the remote WMS 
> server returned an invalid image, and XML exception or another 
> unexpected result in response to the GetMap request. Also check and make 
> sure that the layer's connection URL is valid.
> drawJPEG(): Unable to access file. Only grayscale JPEG images are 
> supported.
> 4) So I tried tiff format and it responded with:
> msDrawMap(): WMS connection error. Failed to draw WMS layer named 
> 'global_landsat'. This most likely happened because the remote WMS 
> server returned an invalid image, and XML exception or another 
> unexpected result in response to the GetMap request. Also check and make 
> sure that the layer's connection URL is valid.
> drawTIFF(): Image handling error. Only colormapped and grayscale images 
> are supported.


The above three issues are likely due to limitations in the legacy GD
based PNG, JPEG and TIFF support in mapserver.  Is your mapserver built
without GDAL?  If so, you won't be able to use RGB PNG, JPEG or TIFF files.
I see the JPEG and TIFF functions report this reasonably well, but I don't
see any RGB vs. colormapped checking logic in the drawPNG function.

If you wish, you can file a bug on this.  I think we might well strip out
the legacy raster support for 5.0.  The old functions have some fairly
significant limitations, and no one (me included) is all that interested
in supporting them.

If you do write a bug - please feel free to assign it to me directly.

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at pobox.com
light and sound - activate the windows | http://pobox.com/~warmerdam
and watch the world go round - Rush    | President OSGeo, http://osgeo.org

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