Raster tile indexing in PostGIS

Paul Ramsey pramsey at REFRACTIONS.NET
Thu Nov 23 11:48:56 PST 2006

I generally agree with Frank, but I have had one anecdotal report from a 
user that they found PostGIS faster than Shape files on plain old read 
operations once the concurrency cranked up.

Now, I can think of no technical reason why that might be so, and I have 
never independently verified the report, but it is something that keeps 
me from blanket saying "Shape files are faster for simple read 
workloads" anymore.

(Maybe someone here can do a test?)


Thy, Kristian wrote:
> From: Frank Warmerdam
>> Generally speaking the shapefiles, and the spatial indexes will get
>> cached in RAM.
> Also for separate invocations of cgi MapServer? Pardon if this is a
> stupid question, but the arcane workings of computer hardware is not
> my area of expertise :-)
> Kristian
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