Mapserver in a cluster

Daryl Herzmann akrherz at IASTATE.EDU
Sun Nov 5 20:36:45 EST 2006

On Sat, 4 Nov 2006, Stephen Woodbridge wrote:

>> Is this  an HA-type cluster? With all data replicated on all nodes in
>> a certain mode? do i understand well? is A linux HA heartbeat system
>> good for this  kind of cluster? Your reply was very interesting for
>> my studies.  Very Very Very thanx for your reply..
> We use a bunch of components similar to Ultramonkey. check out their site or 
> google for  "LVS" or "Linux Virtual Server" would be a good starting place. 
> Yes it is a HA-type cluster with a heart-beat.

Me too :)  I have a modest LVS cluster using Mapserver CGI / Mapscript 
extensively.  Seems to work very well.  The one trick is to use a LVS 
scheduler that keeps clients on the same "real server".  The main issue is 
when mapscript generates temporary files and the client has to make 
subsequent calls to the web cluster to get those temporary files.  If you 
use a round-robin scheme and not share /tmp space, you will get missing 

I can't address the shared storage aspect.


  * Daryl Herzmann, RHCE
  * Program Assistant -- Iowa Environmental Mesonet

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