problem with units in mapserver

Ben Tuttle funkbucket at GMAIL.COM
Tue Nov 14 12:45:54 PST 2006

I have a a near global 30 arcsecond dataset I would like to serve
through WMS and WCS. However, it seems that no matter what I try it is
being dealt with in degrees (0.00833333) and not seconds. Is there a
way to specify seconds in the mapfile are use gdal to do this? I
notice in the mapfile reference that seconds is not an option for
Units. The problem I am having with using degrees is serious rounding
errors in the pixel sizes of the returned images. It seems that
mapserver is doing a string to float conversion on 0.0833333 and then
doing math with that float and this is causing the output image to
have incorrect pixel sizes. It seems that if I could use seconds
(which would mean I'd have a round number for my units instead of a
repeating decimal) that this problem would be solved. I haven't found
a way to do this though.

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