no output for web template with 4.10 cgi; solved

piero cavalieri piero.cavalieri at HEIDI.IT
Tue Nov 7 10:11:57 PST 2006

Daniel Morissette ha scritto:
> piero cavalieri wrote:
>> And, I repeat, I have the images (also with the problematic layers) 
>> correctly saved in the temp dir. Simply the xml output have 
>> additional (mapserver logs ??) lines, sometimes at the beginning, 
>> sometimes at the end of the output stream (so an exception thorws 
>> during the xml parsing, which is after mapserver produced the jpegs; 
>> if I would like to make a dirty patch in this moment, I could simply 
>> remove the log lines form the output template before doing the xml 
>> parse).
> There is a known issue with IIS, DEBUG messages end up mixed with the 
> regular mapserv.exe output:
> The way around this is to disable the DEBUG statements in your mapfile.
That solved! Thank you!

> Another alternative is to use Apache which doesn't suffer from this 
> problem even on Windows.
Do you think I tell  my boss to change WebServer for an application bug 
? I want to stay alive... ;-)
>> A question: msDrawMap(): Layer 8 (sma_cob), 0.000s  means really that 
>> mapsrver take less than 0.001s to render  the layer or has to be 
>> interpreted as an error message?
> That's correct, that means that less than 0.001s is septn rendering 
> that layer, either because it's a very light layer or because it is 
> out of scale.
In fact I realized just after sending the post, that the layer was out 
of scale .... ;-)
> Daniel
Thank u

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