dbox imagepath, imageurl

william paul williampaul28 at YAHOO.COM
Wed Nov 1 06:58:51 EST 2006

  I have solved the problem. It was a misspelling, but I have another now. When I point the  browser to the main web page I don't see the image, but if I click on it the image appears. It still don't write anything on tmp folder, but I can zoom in, zoom out and pan the image

Barend Köbben <kobben at itc.nl> wrote:
  > virtual directory and than I gave the write rights

Write rights to what/whom? There is in most setups a special account for web
applications/processes, I think it's called IWAM_ or
something like that (don't have access to a IIS WindowsBox right now).
That's the user that has to have the write rights, and of course the
anonymous Web user account (IUSR_) has to have read rights to
be able to 'collect' the temp files...


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