Too Many Symbols

Jacolin Yves yjacolin at FREE.FR
Tue Nov 7 04:29:27 EST 2006


The number of the symbol is limited to 64 symbols. You can change this by 
editing the mapsymbol.h file and change :

#define MS_MAXSYMBOLS 64    /* maximum number of symbols in a symbol file */


Le Mardi 7 Novembre 2006 10:12, Leonardo Olivieri a écrit :
> Hello,
> I used PhpMapscript on Windows.
> I have a total of 131 symbols in my symbol file and am getting this  error:
> [MapServer Error]: msLoadSymbolSet(): Too many symbols defined.
> Has anyone come across this?  Can I extend the capacity of the symbol file
> somehow?
> Thank in advanced.
> Leonardo

Yves Jacolin

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