Problems using querymap with php/mapscript

Jim White jbw2003 at EARTHLINK.NET
Fri Nov 3 09:30:44 PST 2006

I want to use a querymap to add transparent hatch symbols to a true 
color WMS layer. I have been able to create transparent hatch symbols in 
256 color mode that work as a regular map and also as a querymap. When I 
change the outputformat to RGBA, then the regular output correctly 
display transparent hatch symbols, but the hatch pattern produced by the 
querymap is not transparent. Here is an example code amd mapfile:

$this_layer = $map->getLayerByName('gapman');
$this_layer->set('status', MS_OFF);
if (isset($key_gapman)) $this_layer->set('status', MS_ON);
$layer_index = $this_layer->index;
for($i=0; $i<count($key_gapman); $i++){
   @$map->queryByIndex($layer_index,1,$key_gapman[$i], MS_TRUE);

          CONNECTIONTYPE postgis
          NAME "gapman"
          CONNECTION "user=postgres  dbname=mydb host=localhost"
          DATA "wkb_geometry FROM steward_gap_man"
          STATUS OFF
          TYPE POLYGON
          TRANSPARENCY alpha
             SYMBOL 'hatch-lines'
             COLOR 255 0 0     
                   ANGLE 60
                   SIZE 10
                  WIDTH 2
                  OUTLINECOLOR 255 0 0
               TEMPLATE "dummy.html"

I have a second problem related to displaying the WMS layer map. When I 
output the standard map the WMS layer displays correctly. However, when 
I display the querymap the WMS layer is not correct. When it is first 
displayed it does not align with the other layers, and when I zoom it 
gets worse. Here is my code:

//creating main map
$mapname = "map".rand(0,9999999).".png";
$mspath = "/var/www/html/temp/";
$maploc = "{$mspath}{$mapname}";
$map->setSize($win_w, $win_h);
$map->zoompoint($zoom, $click_point, $win_w, $win_h, $old_extent);

//creating querymap
//$map->querymap->set('width', $win_w);
//$map->querymap->set('height', $win_h);
$queryimage = $map->drawQuery();

//display main map, not used if querymap displayed
//$mapimage = $map->draw();

Jim White
Biological and Spatial Information Center
North Carolina State University

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