php-mapscript w/ ogr ovt tables

Stephan Holl stephan.holl at INTEVATION.DE
Thu Nov 16 23:25:50 PST 2006

Dear Mapserver gurus,

I am encountering a problem when using a ogrs vrt tables against a mysql DB. 
The problem comes up when I try to access a table column which was create 
through an alias. e.g:
select n2n_wert, n2n_idflm, n2n_wertdat, n2n_idflaeche, frmt_wert, 
replace(replace(replace(format(n2n_wert,3),'.',';'),',','.'),';',',') as 
format_wert from n2n_flmflaeche;

format_wert cannot be used as TEXT in my mapfile using settext() in 
The error is as following:

Warning: [MapServer Error]: msDrawMap(): Failed to draw layer named 
'statistic'. in /var/www/web1/html/gis/config/test.php on line 6

Warning: [MapServer Error]: msOGRFileOpen(): Open failed for OGR connection 
` /var/www/web1/html/gis/config/statistic.ovf select n2n_wert, n2n_idflm, 
n2n_wertdat, frmt_wert, format_wert from bld join 
'/var/www/web1/html/gis/tmp/4ad12f9b5095f134e17c06691f429037.ovf'.values on 
AGS = n2n_idflaeche where AGS like '%' wkbPolygon GEOMETRY '. SQL statement 
failed, or returned no layer result: select n2n_wert, n2n_idflm, n2n_wertdat, 
frmt_wert, format_wert from bld join 
'/var/www/web1/html/gis/tmp/4ad12f9b5095f134e17c06691f429037.ovf'.values on 
AGS = n2n_idflaeche where AGS like '%' 
in /var/www/web1/html/gis/config/test.php on line 6

The Layer-snippet from my mapfile:
    <OGRVRTLayer name='join'>
    <SrcSQL>select  n2n_wert, n2n_idflm, n2n_wertdat, frmt_wert, format_wert
        from bld join 
        on AGS = n2n_idflaeche 
                where AGS like '%'
    DATA "join"

If I hardcode it in my mapfile and use the mapserv-CGI, everything works as 

Does anybody has any similar experiences?

TIA and best regards

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