I need the ability to be able to display ECW and JPEG2000 format files within MapServer via a Community Mapbuilder client which sends WMS requests for the images to MapServer

John Mitchell mitchelljj98 at GMAIL.COM
Thu Nov 23 14:19:26 EST 2006


I need the ability to be able to display ECW and JPEG2000 format files
within MapServer via a Community Mapbuilder client which sends WMS requests
for the images to MapServer.  My current architecture is PostGreSQL database
connected to PostGIS which connects to GeoServer on Apache Tomcat and
Community Mapbuilder client which sends WMS requests for the images to
GeoServer.  I would like to be able to send similar requests to MapServer
for compressed Raster data but instead of going to PostGIS I would like to
connect to the ECW (which are compressed Raster) files and JPEG2000 files.
Since I have never installed or used MapServer before I would appreciate it
if someone could give my a high level overview of what I would need to do as
far as:

1.) What should I download for a windows server if all I want to do is
display ECW and JPEG2000 files via WMS?
2.) What configuration is necessary on the server in order to display via
WMS for ECW and JPEG2000 files and what location should I place these files?
3.) What is the format for both a GetMap and GetCapabilities request on the
client side which in my case is Community Mapbuilder.


John J. Mitchell
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